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  1. Song name of the youtube video?
  2. Name: Geahcan Reason: Ninjalooting ICC mount without saying anything. Proofs: http://imgur.com/a/CDl4N Read the chat, they kicked us afterwards and ninja looted it for his guild.
  3. Playing Monk only today! twitch.tv/chivtv
  4. Chivy


    Ability: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=46968/shockwave Problem: The stun range of shockwave is way bigger than it should be, it's supposed to stun enemys only in the range of 10 yards, But as you can see here (https://www.twitch.tv/shelbytv/v/98418407 00:44:43) the range and radius of it is way more than 10y. How it should work:It should stun the players only that are infront of the shockwave, if you're "kinda" lining it it still stuns you. Priority: I'd say 10/10 since there are alot of warriors here and everyone almost plays Shockwave.
  5. So i was sitting here wondering how it feels to be bad at a class and using 3rd party programms to have an advantage in the game. Wouldnt it be easier to learn the class by someone who has a good knowlege or getting banned over and over again for using bots (rhythm of pandawow kinda) Dobreck got banned few days ago for using orbbot, i was talking to Maxhumilli :monk: (R1 MW on retail) about teaching him, but since Dobreck's account is banned this plan won't happen. I'm just here to ask if it would be possible to unban his account or give it atleast a 3 day free trial so max and me can possibly teach him. I made a strawpoll because not everyone has the same oppinion, just vote what you think. Of course Dobreck will apologize for using a 3rd party programm to the community if it would help a bit.
  6. twitch.tv/chivtv Legion until pwow is up
  7. why cant i be that good
  8. im dead lol
  9. the king is back boyz kappa69 https://www.twitch.tv/chivtv
  10. Streaming now, follow me trough my demonhunter journey kappa
  11. twitch.tv/chivtv PandaWoW real talk keepo
  12. Dear PandaWoW community and staff, i usually don't write anything personal like this but i think its necessary from my side since pandawow has been a huge part of my free time in the last years. I have been playing on PandaWoW since 13.08.2014 and it's time for me to say goodbye for good. I know i have written 1-2 threads like this in the past but this one will be the last. After officially finishing my apprenticeship as HGA (Hotel guest assistant) last week it's a huge step for me to focus on my future, i won't have time to play video games anymore since i still have a lot of papers to do, i will be working and studying very much so i got rid of all gaming clients i had on my PC. Here for i want to thank all the amazing people i have met on this server and also want to apologize for being toxic and kinda childish. PandaWoW has made huge steps in making the server better to play for you people, so take it easy on them and try to help where you can. Thank you all again, i wish you all the best for your future. Best regards, Willian Rodrigues. (Chiv)
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^not sure if troll or troll
  14. PvE drama
  15. WELL MR. KNOW EVERYFUCKINGTHING I don't know what you do when you play this game, but if you didn't know im glad to tell you that right on the top of your WoW UI you have an ingame clock and a calendar to check the date and time!!! WOW MAGIC WHAT??? PogChamp Second, a guild recruitment is supposed to shoutout for EVERYONE since he's recruiting, it means he is looking for MEMBERS, with members he means people. People live on the earth, people well known as human (human = Homo sapien lt. Hominidae). A human is made of 65% oxygen, 18.6% carbon, 9.7% hydrogen, 3.2% nitrogen and more. Now that you dear mr.knoweveryfuckingthing aka tiggar47 learned about the human species homo sapien, imagine that you're also one and there are 7.46 billion in this world. 15.000+ of them plays on pandawow. Now HE IS RECRUITING for members right? remember? that means he is looking for EVERYOne => members => humans. WOW MAGIC AGAIN??? HOW IS HE DOING IT???
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