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Everything posted by Colie

  1. zzz close thread
  2. dinodanny is gladiator? =O
  3. Hey Weegee :), I see you're viewing. Hoping this can get resolved.
  4. I have :/. I've tried everything in my own power. I do really appreciate you trying to help man, I hope they bring you onto their forum team, you seem to be a good help here :).
  5. It's just disconnects me instantly as I try to login, and yes, the site says that I am not banned.
  6. Hello! My account : Colie So for quite some time now I haven't been able to log into my account at all, Site says I'm not banned or anything so I've ruled that out. I made an entire new account so I can play but I still want to be able to play my rogue that I have on there. Any details I can get why I can't login or if this can be fixed please? I'd really like to play again :( Thanks for taking the time to read this, have a good day.
  7. I don't remember it's been almost a year now I think, but if I do remember it was because my credit card company charged back like 60 bonuses. So It put me in negative bonuses, then I bought bonuses to get out of the negatives and buy an "un-block". Thanks for the fast reply :)
  8. I payed the bonuses to unban myself but when I go to login it still says "This account has been temporarily suspended." or just says " You have been disconnected " as I try to login, I'd appreciate being unbanned so I can play :) the account I unbanned is named "colie" ~ thanks ~
  9. I haven't played the account since "2015-08-04 21:51:45" and I can't login so I guess I'm banned? but "Banned: No" says I'm not, and I've tried to figure it out but I can't, plus I haven't done anything bad to deserve this. I'd like for this chat block to go away so I can play!! I'm in -730 bonuses because my Credit card company denied the charge when it had already gone through, so I can't get 50 bonuses to unblock. (unblock something I didn't even deserve..) Thanks for taking the time to read this, I would appreciate any help! really want to play my rogue and not have to start again :c.
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