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  1. As the title is stating, my account got hacked. I haven't logged in for a month or so and when I logged in today, my character was missing. Then, I searched the Tops since I am in all of them, just to find it there, and joined some guild (I wasn't in any). The character nick is Gørefiend, please see below: [ATTACH=CONFIG]130624[/ATTACH] I don't play as much as I used to nowadays, but please let me know how on Earth was somebody able to log in and transfer my character to some other account, and he is also playing with my character?! Pending for your feedback, thanks
  2. I hate Kroz emoting in bgs all the time, but that picture ain't even bad. Dunno whats the point of this topic. Umad bro ?
  3. Playing a bg while your pet is always dead cause of this shit is retarded.. even if played with friends. Fix this maybe ?
  4. Was looking for a nice warr to try out :D Added u on skype
  5. WTS Undead Male Unholy DK - BLØØDREAVER [ATTACH=CONFIG]109548[/ATTACH] Gear : 550 full prideful + pve items, such as Tusks of Mannoroth, Battleplate of Cyclopean Dread pieces, Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen - legendary cloak etc Unfinished mogs, weapons etc [ATTACH=CONFIG]109549[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]109550[/ATTACH] Engineering 600/600 Tailoring 600/600 8420 Achivement Points Alot of PvP achivements [ATTACH=CONFIG]109551[/ATTACH] Lots of titles [ATTACH=CONFIG]109552[/ATTACH] Price : Minimal - 700 + tax. You can sometimes find me online on main, GØREFIEND for more info. Not playing much so Im selling my alts, this is the last one on the list. Cheers :D
  6. +1 Fix this please :D
  7. Fix this alrdy ffs.
  8. It's also not just lock fear. It's also Combustion, warr fear, priest fear etc. I mean.. some time ago all of this shit worked. properly. How the F can it be bugged now ?
  9. He is actually not being retarded with this post. All pets lose their speed and need to be re-summoned. And if summoning the pet has a cast time or a cd, well.. it's retarded as fuck. It used to work just fine, no idea how they bugged it.
  10. Yeap, happens all the time lately. How did you manage to fuck this up PandaWow? :s
  11. WTS Human Male Unholy DK - Monstermiz [ATTACH=CONFIG]108959[/ATTACH] Gear : 550 full prideful + pve items, such as Thok's Tail Tip or Tusks of Mannoroth Mogs : Green - Malevolent Gladiator's Desecration (Recolor) Blue - Malevolent Gladiator's Desecration Warrior Malevolent Set Lots of unfinished mogs, weapons etc. More info: 90+ Mounts Leatherworking 600/600 - With ALL the malevolent / dreadful craftable recipes [ATTACH=CONFIG]108960[/ATTACH] Alchemy 600/600 8420 Achivement Points Alot of PvP achivements : [ATTACH=CONFIG]108961[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]108962[/ATTACH] Alot of titles : [ATTACH=CONFIG]108963[/ATTACH] Price : Minimal - 700 + tax. You can sometimes find me online on main, GØREFIEND for more info. Not playing much so Im selling all my alts, gonna be more coming up soon enough. Cheers :dance:
  12. Nooo, don't sell Muscle. FeelsBadMan :( Off topic: Sup Felx fgt, long time no see
  13. Is there something funny about playing a dk at high rating? What are you playing ? Every random forum rat commentating about stuff they don't even care about. If you ain't helping, keep your shit to yourself. Sorry Funk. Alot of staff members are playing warr only (I heard). Why fix something that broken?
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