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Everything posted by Flufy

  1. Yo guys can we not change the subject please
  2. @ Nyxen Dont worry i made even on in Dungeons and raids just to please jegermaister. So lets see what will be the answer if there is going to be one. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195300 ~> there you go . I hope your happy now jegermaister.
  3. This is in General only with one purpose - Because players are always checking if there is something new here ,2nd reason becuase Gm's ,Mod's ,Dev's dont even check other sections so even if i make report about this 1500000 times at - Dungeons and Raids nobody will even know and nobody will bother to fix this . For 4 years those ''staff members'' fixed shit , sorry to bring it up but War*ane had their data deleted and they started for 0 and they are almost 1 step ahead than Pwow . Cuz as far as i know Soo works almost full + Hc diff, Tot works, every pve raid in Mop , Celestials work, when you report some bug you get answer , when you write a ticked you dont get answer by mod , you can directly chat with GM . So dont tell me how hard the staff works here we all know how lazy they are . DUDE people keep donating money and they cant even fix 1 thing for the players , so they take our money and decline every report or dont even answer.
  4. Wrong? Dude have you seen in DG & Raid section how many times they answered? NONE. So i ll post it here so that people can see it! bcuz the lazy staff dont even look in Dg's & Raids. :) TO SHOW PEOPLE HOW damn lazy they are , how people make donations every day,week,month and the ''staff'' dont even care what players want .
  5. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71953 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71952 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71954 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71955 Those bosses are not working properly ,they are bugged AGAIN! 2. How it should work : When you enter the celestial court with or without the quest http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=33100 and start the fight invisible wall appears around the court preventing any other people from entering the arena [ so they cant pull the bosses or attack you while you are fighting] . When you start the fight each boss goes in the middle of the court, after you DEFEAT him NOT KILL him - DEFEAT each boss ( drops till 1 % of their Hp) goes back to his place and the next boss comes to the middle and again the same for all. After you finish the fight the bosses are full hp so that the next group which enters the arena and starts the fight will be able to do it . 3. Description of the problem : HOW it works in PANDAWOW ~> 1st . When you and your group go in the court ,everyone who wants can enter the arena no matter horde or alliance and they can pull all the bosses and you and your team will be killed by all 4 of them . Thats why there must be wall preventing this!!! 2nd. After defeating each boss he must reset and go to his place and to become non attackable ~> in Pandawow its not like this ,after we killed one of the bosses he didn't go to his place and he didn't reset he kept attacking people . 3d. When you're fighting with one boss the other bosses can not be attacked till you DEFEAT that boss. But here in pandawow you can pull all 4 of them and just well WIPE :) 4th. After DEFEATING all the bosses they don't reset and they dissapear and you have to wait not 8h but 9/10h , today we have killed the bosses and Gm told us that they will spawn after 8h so that they people who didnt finish their quest will be able to finish it ,now FIRST they didnt spawn after 8h they spawn after 10h , Secont The bosses are bugged again and people couldn't finish their quest , THIRD THE GOD DAMN BOSSES SHOULD NOT BE KILLED WE HAVE TO DEFEAT THEM NOT KILL THEM . Who told you Pwow staff to make respawn timer on bosses who usually DONT HAVE RESPAWN TIMER , SIMPLY CUZ THEY CANNOT BE KILLED !!! WE HAVE TO DEFEAT THEM NOT KILL THEM, SO THAT THE NEXT GROUP HORDE/ALLIANCE WILL BE ABLE TO DO THEIR QUEST/ OR START A FIGHT WIHTOUt QUEST AFTER US! + Those bosses should give loot ;) This server is how old 4years+ ? And so many things are not working and dont tell us that the staff is working on them bcuz 4 years and CElestials doesnt work they doesnt give loot + personal loot, Quests and Achievements are not working , Some raids and dungeons doesnt work correctly. SHAMEEEE ON YOU Ghouls , People are donating every god damn day and you cant even fix few bosses , achievements or quests . Shame on you leeches!!! P.S. If you dont know how bosses / quests /items / npc and etc SHOULD WORK look in web ,search for information DONT MAKE your own CHANGEs. If you dont know how to script / add / fix something HIRE SOMEONE WHO CAN GHOULS :) .
  6. Dude 2 weeks is way too much since they have the ID , they have the scripts , + the vendor is there since 5.4.2 :X !! ... Jesus just add the items it wont take more than 5 mins ... They fixed the quest after half of the players got wrong cloak's bcuz they are adding quests /items/npc's which are not working properly or at all . They must test the quests/items etc when they are adding them , cuz now half of us are fked bcuz of them and we have to wait 2 weeks for something which can be fixed/ add for a mins ??
  7. 2 weeks for 6 legendary cloaks for which developers have the script and the id already , and for few gems.......... - - - Updated - - - Lets make it fun now . http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=192416 This hyena was reported with priority 2/10 , and they fix a God damn useless mob the answer was on the very next day ,while the cloak and the vendor where reported so many times and people have to wait 2 weeks ,while the mob was fixed so fast ??? The origami http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=192418 reported , with priority 2/10 was fixed... this must be a joke bcuz some people have their backs now ,while the other half of the server is fked and they cant take their backs ,bcuz the quest wasnt working propery.
  8. I have a question could Raid finder be fixed? It would be nice since some people doesn't have so much time to do full run of specific PVE raids, or doesn't have enough experience and they are not wanted in raids , different time zones and etc. Someone reported it 1 year ago and nobody answered . It would be really nice since RF drops nice tmog .
  9. Omg are you serious? If you dont know how this works here you go http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51753 . '' any damage done by you or your pet will cancel the effect.'' So usually whenever a trap ,totem or what ever aoe hits the hunter the camouflage will be canceled + also when the hunter ot his pet do dmg the camouflage should be canceled, but in this case we cant even target them they have endless camouflage .they can atack ,do dmg and etc and the camouflage doesnt go off :) endless. So pls keep your retarded comments for yourself .
  10. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=221670 2. Describe the bug - When you loot it there is nothing in it. 3. How it should work - Moss-Covered Chests are found all over the Timeless Isle. Chests found west and south of the Celestial Court (marked with a blip) ,contain a few dozen- Timeless Coins and have a small chance at containing a timeless armor token.Chests east of the courtyard (marked with a red cross) hold a few hundred coins and have a larger chance at containing a timeless token. http://imgur.com/LbRL8LV 4. Date of testing.-12.11.2015 5. Realm.-x100 6. 6/10 (cuz it would not be so hard to get timless coins as it is now) .
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  11. thanks :)
  12. 1. Name of the violator: Lotedearroz (from fun realm) 2.Realm, where you saw the violation: Cross Server 3.Description of the violation: Fly hack 4.Proof: screenshots / video - http://imgur.com/ghhwSD8 , http://imgur.com/KXtRzxF
  13. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=94289 2. Не работают никак 3. Это новый реагент для крафта.Данные реагенты можно получить при распылении шмота. уровня шмота распыляется с ответ: 522 лвл. 4. 24.10.2015 5. x100 6. 5/10 :crazy:
  14. Tested on 24.09.2015 still not working
  15. Im reporting it here cuz in the other sections nobody answers . So The problem is that most of the achievements from this event dont work all the quests + quest items dont work ... So my point is can someone look at them cuz this is one time per year? Some npc's are missing. I hope someone will take a look cuz this is 1 time per year :[
  16. ye i thought so and is this the rason why they dont fix raid bosses? for example http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=33288, http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=32865 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=32906 ? im not overreacting :) this things should work. this is just ridiculous :D this raids are from LK , and after your comment i think that most of the ppl in the server are right that the gms on purpose dont fix things. i do this every time, this is not the point. i can ask the same question -why dont they fix it instead skipping it? this is raid ,normally ppl do the raid boss after boss ,if i can skip every boss were is the fun in the hole thing?
  17. you wont get answer mate :) in bug tracker were ppl report bugs about dungeons and raids nobody answers,there are post since 2014 still with no answer. if you report bug they will say Read the rules,this post is not for here report in etc. So from all posts that i had read this is the only thing that they say ,is it so hard to say ''we will look at it'' or smth like this , i see no point ,this server is on like how long 2 years? and there are dungeons and raids which still dont work properly so no point of posting mate :) i made few posts about ICC gunship battle and 2 more and still no answer ;)
  18. Hello,this is my first post here and i want to report that the Gun Ship battle in ICC dont work at all. It would be very nice if look at this problem cuz this is raid from LK and its really sad that this part of the raid dont work. It is very important cuz this completes the raid in all ways and you can take a lot of achievements which also is really nice. As i see there are post since 2014 and nobody checked them i hope that someone will take a look over this problems cuz ppl are reporting here to help you guys see whats wrong and etc. A lot of ppl play more PVE than PVP so it would be really nice if someone look at all those reports. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc : Gunship Battle http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=201873 2. Description of the problem. : after we kill Lady Deathwhisper we must take the elevator to go to the next part of the raid the gunship battle,but when we do it the ship is sitting there no mobs on the ship ,no one talk to so the battle could start,with one word The battle dont work the mobs are not there,Muradin/High Overlord Saurfang are not there. SS of the ship so that you can see that there is no one to start the battle,there is only the gnome which gives you Goblin Rocket Pack,but Muradin(alliance) si not here also for Horde High Overlord Saurfang is not here. http://imgur.com/KgnfhDf http://imgur.com/2QTeEBb , even the gunship cannons are not there.with one word nothing is where it's supposed to be 3.How it must work. : ''The Gunship Battle is a unique event that serves as the third boss encounter in Icecrown Citadel. During the event the Skybreaker and Orgrim's Hammer race to the second level of the Citadel. All players can talk to a goblin/gnome on their gunship and obtain a jetpack that allows them the jump between the two ships'' note: After you kill Lady Deathwhisper you take the elevator and go up to the ship then you talk to a gnome and he gives you http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49278http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49278 , then you go to talk to http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36948 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36939 ,depends in which faction you play. then the gunship battle must start,and you use Gunship Cannon,to attack the opposite faction ship. After you finish it you will find a chest with items and gold ,then the ship will take us to http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=37813 . 4.Date when you tested it. 18.09.2015 5.Realm: x100 6.Priority of the problem. : 10/10
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