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  1. 1.Name of the not working glyph: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=146962/glyph-of-havoc 2.Description of the problem: It increases the cooldown but doesn't give the 3 additional charges. 3.How it must work: It should give 3 additional charges. 4.Date when you tested it: 11.10.2015 5.Realm: Fun 6.Priority of the problem: 7/10
  2. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-776435.html Fun realm, human warrior, 550 pvp full gear, minimum price
  3. In Fun Server, Alliance faction, draenei shaman named Jacondamwp gives an error on page, it does'nt open correctly. The link is: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-3755571.html
  4. Warlocks can cast demonic gate both alliance and horde side before gates open and this is too much abusing by the players... They just go in and insta capture flags. Please fix this.
  5. All alliance players in this bg started in flag zones (3 one at the same time) and won the game 2000 - 0 in a few minutes [ATTACH=CONFIG]93418[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]93419[/ATTACH]
  6. Hey there, kinda new here and want to ask one question, As I see, there are iLvL550 characters for sale and their time in game length is just between 10-15 days... So how can this possible when the conquest points cap is just 2200/week? Those items make 20k+ conquest points... Thanks
  7. Merhaba arkadaşlar oyunu ingilizceye çevirmeyi anlatıcam oyunda beni Delasis nickiyle bulabilirsiniz birlikte arena atmak isteyen olursa 1- Oyunun bulunduğu klasörde "Data" klasörü var bunu açın 2- Bu klasörün içine "enUS" adında bir klasör oluşturun 3- Aşağıdaki linkte bulunan tüm dosyaları indirip bu klasör içine atın https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86702979/Data/enUS.html
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