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  1. This is Pujo you're talking about. Of course he's got habits he'll never get rid of.
  2. It's not a right, Pujoh, it's a privilege. Just remember that. Other than that, you can do whatever you like so long as you follow the rules in so doing.
  3. Shadrissa will only accept video proofs of family insults now, so you have been warned.
  4. Don't expect to get this guy banned, buddy. Any and all relative insults must be proven by video and that was decided by Shadrissa.
  5. Then something else would take up the warrior's spot as the most broken class in the game and the cycle would probably repeat.
  6. You just proved my point again. Try actually going a while without making fake quotes and maybe I wouldn't have a beef with you to the point I'm always in opposition to everything you say!
  7. 1. fenrismadyolo 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=74924 3. 2.1 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219465&page=3 5. He's making a habit of this. I never said what he quoted.
  8. You're the only one spitting on me, you wannabe. And thanks for the fodder, you punk.
  9. I don't have to be happy with you, moron, because you never give me any reason to do so. And I don't complain about anything, just anything YOU say. And coming from someone who writes useless stuff and slanders people, you're one to talk, you hypocrite.
  10. I'm going to be very surprised if he dignifies that with a response given how obnoxious you're being these days.
  11. And you've officially let mine fly over your head. It was sarcasm, you troll. Learn to recognize it before you make such a dumb statement.
  12. Man, you'll just lose the point over behindqq's head. He's not fluent in equation.
  13. Nobody cares, dude. Repitch doesn't have to upload to Youtube if he doesn't want to.
  14. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the resolution on this stinks. They're just not going to be able to see it, so try posting pics from Imgur. Also you'll want to read this:http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802. For the GMs to be able to do something, you need to also include the realm the guy is from. Otherwise, you're just not getting this guy banned.
  15. You're adding fuel to the fire. And the more you do this, the more ammunition you give me.
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