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Everything posted by scared

  1. wtf are u talk are u crazy dude calling some 1 a hacker is not insult u soooo dumb dude - - - Updated - - - all russians are hackers its the true and ? u wanna get me banned 30 days for saying that hahahahah u make me laught dude - - - Updated - - - its not racism i just say all russians are hackers and ? hacker is not a insult or racisme read the rules agian furmetal before u make a report ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  2. 1. NAME - Chinese, can't type 2 FUN 3 Fly hack, he was underground and gripped me 4 Screenshot http://imgur.com/UlrhD6f 5 Need to get a ban....
  3. hello there was a deathknight underground in stormwind and i grapped heme and killed heme afther that i used my mount and he grap me under the ground and he say banned to me so i make screenshot and i flyed back up ground so im not flyhacking u can see i used my mount and he grap me here is alot pictures 1.http://imgur.com/UlrhD6f 2.http://imgur.com/iR4nhMd 3.http://imgur.com/SuBCp0C 4.http://imgur.com/6uXhGPB
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