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the peasant

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  1. Ever heard of 1st person view?Who ever plays with 3rd person anymore?...
  2. Now ill get banned for reporting you.It's too bad i cant hear you raging,it would be highly entertaining.Better than Weegee anyway.
  3. i am the peasant are you dumb and cannot read?not with that english of yours im afraid
  4. Too bad,the admins wont forget how that guy called them ;).And regardless of the channel,insults towards the server and the administration are highly persecuted ;).
  5. So,if you are not online the problem is passed forward to others.(in this case a forum report) ;) It would have happended earlier,when there were GM's on ;).You are tough,and so is your english. Try again when someone cares.
  6. Perhaps the Guild Master(you in this case) should have muted him,given the fact that you are also moderator. Such a shame for a moderator not muting his guildmates that insult.
  7. that's cute,since you were the one insulting wanna cry about the server?do it outside of it
  8. 1.Nightflames 2.x100 3.insulting the admins 4.today http://i.imgur.com/WrO29T7.jpg
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