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Everything posted by rosenbloot

  1. Nice. That's works. In got out. The post can be close
  2. don't know what's " .st " . I've try to fix with the functionality in control panel. Same issue. is there any possibility to " teleport " my character in stormwind ?
  3. Hum. I've strange issue. I exploring Sand of Time. In the main all ( not in the instance ) i've used my heartstone to get back in stormwind...Unfortunately i repop in " the lost island " in the Maelstrom. When i try to use again the Heartstone to get back in stormwind....i pop again and again and again in " the lost isle " and there's no way out.... Any idea.... / killing gobelin zombie level 1 piss me off seriously
  4. I've little issue. I'm died in the Eye of the eternity, in the cosmos part....But impossible to " Release spirit ". Toon stuck in the cosmos. can't log out, can't release. Any idea ? - - - Updated - - - To close. Fixed with the /script repopMe () command.
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