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Zoroaster the Great

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  1. That's the reason for his abuse?That only makes his abuse worse. ;) Also unfit to be moderator,since he seems to have some mental problems(paranoia-i have 16 accounts now?).
  2. 1.Hioshiru 2.x100 3.1:54 am,today 4.He got mad because i was talking about him and he muted me.Where is the obscene speech? http://i.imgur.com/PhBS7rr.jpg How did he got moderator if he cannot read? Oh,wait,thats the first requirement.
  3. 1.Vadaszapa 2.x100 3.2:00am 4.insulting me http://i.imgur.com/3VDqkKZ.jpg + Hioshiru not muting him. Dont you see he is reported by different players?Stop bluffing,you will only get screwed harder.
  4. 1.Vadaszapa 2.x100 3.2:00am 4.insulting me http://i.imgur.com/3VDqkKZ.jpg + Hioshiru not muting him.
  5. Nemifest does,he is left behind by life.Or maybe a bit delayed?
  6. 1.Hioshiru 2.x100 3.1:54 am,today 4.He got mad because i was talking about him and he muted me.Where is the obscene speech? http://i.imgur.com/PhBS7rr.jpg How did he got moderator if he cannot read? Oh,wait,thats the first requirement.
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