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Furmetalisawintrader last won the day on October 11 2015

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  1. edited the report. sent the image to juster fire him, please
  2. have u seen how old this thread is? xD edit: take care dion, hope you'll come back soon to farm rats. :P how to get rating fast: stop queueing for few weeks/months -> wait till ppl get high rating -> snipe them
  3. lmfao im dying irl atm
  4. please dont go off-topic in my thread. i really want to reply to you guys, but lets not get this closed. if you have additional proof, please give it to me so we can get furmetal fired & banned once and for all
  5. this is exactly why you got fired as chat mod...
  6. sad thing is that he's a staff member. he should get fired and banned.
  7. Reported for sharing my IP adress to the community. hopefully you'll get fired as International Technical Support now too rat - - - Updated - - - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155033&p=958811#post958811
  8. Who am I reporting: Furmetal - http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=56265 Reason: Sharing my IP adress to rest of the community as a staff member (power abuse much?) Proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155026 edit: going to send the image to juster If you try to edit your report, Furmetal, I'll just post an image with proof
  9. i bet furmetal think i made that guild lmfao... funny thing is i didnt, but i dont mind having him think it was me as i would've probably done something like that i think furmetal is actaully pissed off, but he sadly cant show his anger in public cuz chat mod, hehe. ups i mean International Technical Support* i forgot you got fired, sorry! didnt mean it
  10. rip druids time to rape them xD
  11. http://www.twitch.tv/repitchx live atm for 60-90 min (short stream) :P
  12. which is actaully good cause you have so many dumb flag carriers
  13. nice guide. read some of it and i enjoyed it. +1 :)
  14. wowbeez? xD...
  15. applies for duels & BGs as well. arena is more important though, but just wanted to put it out there. When you duel someone, Battle Fatigue should be put in effect immediately.
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