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About Nightflames

  • Birthday 09/17/1997

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  1. Well i did what Wuvius adviced me to do so since nobody asked ur opinion, u can go pee n sleep?
  2. Typical pandawow...
  3. Nope , it was Azmodan with striped o , and also i got mute when i logged on other char... Idk how muter's brain was working when he muted me but still , it doesnt even show me in my cp that i am muted - - - Updated - - - And also , 7 days mute for 1 alt code ? Wtf
  4. I dont need appeal , i just asked will i get some kind of other punishment or not. Read what i wrote , pleb
  5. K so i suppose i got mute for alt code ( stiped o ) in name. Now i changed it and i wanna know why cant i unmute my char , or will i get 7d ban or smth like it , idk how retarded it became so
  6. Azsneee UP POP
  7. WTS Human warrior on 100x realm. It has Challenge mode set , Ruthless Elite set , tons of donated weapons , tabards , bank with gems/enchants/mats , tittles etc. for minimu. its on webstore , name - Deathcall
  8. Should i wait ages or jegermaster will answer.
  9. Doesnt work. Mans not hot.
  10. Error : You cant buy your own char. Can someone explain what the hell is this ? Char buying actually. Just tell me the solution
  11. Azsnee? Pop pop
  12. Killerjac ( Fun ) Cross bg Retardly spamming https://imgur.com/a/KveAz This kind of retards ruin gameplay.
  13. Okay so it's really annoying. Everytime i log out i need to fkin change config.cfg because if i don't , it will stay on "Convert Into a Battle.Net"... Now it just crashes everytime "connecting" appears on loading window.. What the hell should i do ? It freezes on connecting , it crashes , also convert into a battle net acc. Any solutions? i dont wanna download wow everytime i log in or change cfg everytime i log in.
  14. Why are u crying everytime smth happens? Fkin cancer.
  15. I wanna know if global arena rating reset affects banned accounts or it stays on current one ?
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