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  1. Name of the violator: Aggrømørtel Realm, 100x Description of the violation: i was buying prideful items and then boom instant dead Proof: http://imgur.com/a/BHt8k hes doing many times not just with me with also with vendor and players as u can see in the screenshot, and about the combat log nothing appear looks like is a quest item
  2. WTS Human warrior male 550 name: Ragingarms with arena master title pvp mounts and Golden king set two profession at 600 also with thunderfury transmog and 3 others donated 2h swords for 847 credits so cheap warr with everything you only need skill for getting fun in the server :) Link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-1-1735841.html Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/3OM01
  3. WTS Human warrior male 550 name: Ragingarms with arena master title pvp mounts and Golden king set two profession at 600 also with thunderfury transmog and 3 others donated 2h swords for 847 credits so cheap warr with everything you only need skill for getting fun in the server :) Link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-1-1735841.html Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/3OM01
  4. yes isnt working lost 20 elementium enchanted bars ty panda wow -.-
  5. Hello so many times my mail from sold items disspaear what happen i check AH and no items selling and no Mail wtf? lost 800k gold from 4 mounts from 1 sword and 10 enchanted elementium bars F..k can someone help mw im tired of this bullshit
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