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  1. Spell: Lifebloom Issue: it doesn't obtain 100% extra haste that should obtain after you cast swiftmend (it doesn't get it only when you use Lifebloom on a target diferent to player (me)) What should happen: it should get the 100% extra haste in next Lifebloom after using Swiftmend Realm: x100 Priority: 5 Tested today (2/6/2016)
  2. Oh, thanks you. I didn't know that. I will do it when I have a little more time.
  3. Hello. I am playing restoration druid and I realized there is some bug on he. My name in game is Aquasella. When you use swiftmend, the next skill gets a 100% extra haste. When you use this extra haste on any skill, this gives you double ticks (regrowth, for example). However, when I use the extra haste on Lifebloom it doesn't give me double ticks. On the contrary, it works correctly when I use the extra haste on Lifebloom on me (target=player), but not when target=other player. Hope you to be able to solve this problem. Thanks!
  4. Thanks you all, guys. I have tried Juked, but I don't like it because it shows cooldowns of every nearby players instead of only focused one. WeakAuras looked hard to configure, so I decided to try NamePlateCooldowns. It is working fine by the moment, I like it. :D Anyways, I liked Juked, but the problem is the told one above. If you know how to configure it to show only targeted unit cooldowns, it would be good. Thanks for helping!
  5. Hello. I have been searching addons that show you the of enemys' skills. I found one pretty useful called OmniBar, but I only found it for WoW version 6. Can anyone tell me the link for OmniBar for 5.4.8? If this addon doesn't exist for this version, what addon can I use to see cooldowns of skills (not only interrumpt skill, I mean every skill and not shown over health bar, if possible). Thanks you, guys!
  6. Hola a todos. Soy jugador de habla hispana (español). Busco compañero para jugar arenas. A ser posible que tenga Skype (no es obligatorio) y que tenga un rating parecido al mío (2000 en la temporada pasada más o menos con todos los PJs, 2100 con algunos y 1900 con otros). Juego monje sacer holy, brujo afli, monje DPS, druida healer, chamán healer, DK. Gracias. ¡Un saludo!
  7. Thanks. That's the answer I needed.
  8. Oh, so if they're on BG or arena, I just can't see them, because they will be connected to cross-server. True? Nice, thanks you for info. :beer:
  9. No, they're not fun server (I am x100). It is not because they're or they're not on BG. I know the guys I'm talking about are at x100.
  10. The problem doesn't happen when they were recently added. Also, I forgot telling you that my old friends appear disconnected sometimes but sometimes they're connected, it happens only sometimes. I added 3 guys and reloaded. They were still connected. But with other friends, it is still bugged sometimes.
  11. Ok. What photo do you want to see? Just the open friend list where none is on and I talking to one of those guys meanwhile?
  12. I did it. Still not working properly.
  13. I'm afraid to delete the cache folder. What will happen? Will I loose my addons config or what else? I'm repairing my characters right now, and I will write here if the problem gets repaired by doing this, but I think it wont, because this happens in all of my chars.
  14. Hola. El problema que tengo es que (por lo menos a mi) no me aparecen conectados los amigos en la lista. Hablo con ellos y están conectados, pero no puedo verlos como conectados. Espero ayuda. Gracias. Un saludo.
  15. Hello. The problem I am talking about (at least in my account) is that friends don't usually appear connected in my friend list. I know this because I talk to them and they're on, but they appear disconnected in my friend list. So it's like not having friends. Thanks. I hope you to be able to help! My regards.
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