Hello !, I want to report a GM CHAT for abuse of power.
He is killing my friends and when he sees that it cornered it uses Sumir , but it turns out , the Sumir it is infinite , it uses much as you want , and it made my very brave friends with the administration of PandaWoW as a GM can come kill a pLAYER and even mute it if the player complain !, this can not happen !
Today ( 11.12.2015 ) , he came in Durotar again, and we can catch him off guard with several players , he just killed one and disappeared , killed one and disappeared , and so would almost kill it if it were not " vanish infinity" , that is , as a player can not use infinitely a skill, the GM also not , if on the contrary he would be taking some advantage?
He mutated my character " Kazutto " for 4hours by just saying " noob ". Watch the video below , it's yesterday, but still this constituting a real taste of what 's going on , and if you do not believe , come yourselves to Durotar and be watching, and will see that I say, we have reason
He mutated by my friend by "insult" just said " noob " , everyone is very angry with him, and yet, the worst is that he calls alliance to help him . I assure that almost killed him ... only he knows what happened ?? IT ALL FILLED LIFE, YES , THAT'S EVEN !, IT ALL FILLED LIFE!
Do not believe? ask anyone Durotar , everyone is angry with him !
In the video he says that is not a GM , but as he could wisp a member of another faction ?
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Faction: Alliance