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Everything posted by Cogman

  1. Hello
  2. Up! ...
  3. Ok then run wow on 64
  4. Go to the start menu and type Dxdiag and tell me what your operating system is 32 or 64
  5. What bit is your computer?
  6. Listen all you gotta do is change your config to what i GAVE you then run the game and tell me what happens
  7. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46675&langid=1 If you have Utorrent (which you should do) download the files again OR replace the files if you have the launcher
  8. http://imgur.com/jeK1sHo
  9. Data>WTF>Config.WTF
  10. Fun realm does work for me
  11. Yeah it is

    SET locale "enGB"

    SET installLocale "enUS"

  12. Yes i am on ingame on the x100 server cogman
  13. No just try what I gave you for now
  14. Yes Go to your realmlist delete everything that is there and replace is with this

    SET locale "enGB"

    SET installLocale "enUS"

  15. Could you tell me what your Realm list is set to and have you tried re-downloading the game?
  16. 1. Stayfjurt 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=49012 3. 2.3 4. http://imgur.com/nwEzbc7 5. She is E.T and needs to leave this planet ASAP as she keeps unleashing anger upon forum users.
  17. Bump!
  18. Then you say in the comments section what happend to you, not make a whole entire new thread.
  19. Why do you feel the urge to make multiple threads, I have already reported this.
  20. WTS 567 ilvl Blood deathknight and 556 frost DK it does not have many tmogs it has a yellow one and Challenge mode gear with donated tabards and misc items. It has Jewelcrafting/Blacksmithing for proffesions. Here is his armory http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-5750192.html Price is 1500+tax so 1650 is the price with tax. http://imgur.com/a/CpEd7 Here is the Tmogs it has.
  21. If you find a bug report it here > http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=181
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