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About Excitant

  • Birthday March 23

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  1. I forgot about this one 1476999 | 689435 | 2018-11-09 22:02:37 | -150 | Changerace for character Magesong (guid=5894240, realm=x100) Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=243250&p=1437430#post1437430 @Zeox or Bukarasik check this thread please
  3. Hello, so i would like to know what happened to my gold coins. I mean, before i ask for a character transfer I had 1899 gold coins, so I bought a mage for 1100+tax(1210)[making me have 689] and only after that I asked for a character change, 2 days after i asked for a character change he took 150 gold coins from my account and now after I made a thread asking what happened, he took 150 again, so now i only have 389 bonuses since he took 150 gold coins 2 times(300). Here is a screenshot of my current balance: https://imgur.com/a/IYfWAgq
  4. Hello, it's been 7 days (almost 8) since I sent a message to http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=9691 to transfer my character from another realm, my character from another realm has already been deleted and the 150 bonuses of my account have already been taken but still nothing ..
  5. Price changed to 880+%
  6. WTS 575/529 Feral Druid with 2 HC Warforged Pieces + BiS Trinket and some Resto pieces. Name: Cearensetop 2 Proffs: Tailoring/Engineering A lot of fun items, such as: Flag of Ownership, Fishing Chair, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest and more. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PLDQq Price: 1100+% http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-6429561.html
  7. Can someone tell me/link where I can find the cosmetics items such as Crown of Eternal Winter/Jewel of the Firelord/Hood of the Hungering Darkness? I couldn't find it in 'Misc' Section neither Transmog Section.
  8. You need to talk to Kanrethad Ebonlocke in Shadowmoon Valley - Outland. Screenshot showing his place: http://imgur.com/a/0kSlf
  9. 1. Samdroid / Orkillo / Luckyshadow / Roompary / Pibewow 2. x100 3. http://imgur.com/a/1dsWG 4. queueing against each other at 8:00 AM. (i have more proffs if needed).
  10. Hello, can someone explain me how is he using Envenom and Hemorrhage at the same time? he even used Shadow Dance but I couldn't ss Is this a bug? should I report him? http://imgur.com/a/NMELp
  11. You need to go to Warlock Trainer in SW.
  12. 1. Item: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=25893/mystical-skyfire-diamond 2. Description of the Problem: Giving insane amount of haste(giving more haste than Heroism/Bloodlust.) 3. Proff: Before/After proc http://imgur.com/a/DR5xS 4. How it should work: Well i'm pretty sure it should not do this much. 5. Date when tested: 27/04/17 6. Realms: Both 7. Priority: 7/10
  13. Even though I did nothing, it was fun tho :D http://imgur.com/a/Y4fcx
  14. Looks really interesting, since there's almost no pve guild who are recruiting people with item level below 530. Character: Cøøkie
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