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About OldGodx

  • Birthday 06/03/2000

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  1. Hi Wuvius, thank u for trying to help me. Im not using any addon, i just have one named PandaWow. I tried both options for repair, the first one and second one both doesnt help. Im not rrally sure how this happend, dunno if i tried to unlearn profession in BG. Never did faction changing too.
  2. Hello there, I cant learn a new profession. I tried fixing the character from CP menu that fixes ur character errors but it doesn't work. So I didn't know what to do and I apply this threat to the forum so I hope I will get help from u guys to thank u and have a good day. [ATTACH=CONFIG]138899[/ATTACH]
  3. Hello there ! I joined in this server long time ago, and i just want to tell u that it was 2016 when i left it. I come now back, and noting is changed everything is the same. How can u earn more people when u guys, the supports of this server no one changes the glitches of that druid balance , feral , rogues damage hunters damage..You all there want to have more people to be more fun and to work perfectly. U can't earn people if u have unballanced classes like this. I have one example here. [ATTACH=CONFIG]136257[/ATTACH] On the 5.4.8 patch full geared PvP player is 565-600KHP and 620-700-800 max hp on PvE, tell me how can just 1 Eviscerate do 705 004 Damage ? That,s the reason the server are dying and not that what it was in 2015 and other years.
  4. This is PvP server. Which means all spells have to work correct. What is that administrators, rogue opens on anyone with full burst full PvE and eviscerate do 300K ? Balance druid dots do more than all classes dots ? wtf is that ? Server is dying beacuse no one of u all gives a fuck for it. Server need reballance to work properly good, go repair everything that needs make the server like it need to be not like this shit, 1 player destroys all in gurubashi with Starfall hellooo, go look other servers how are they going rip this without ballance noting will work properly, that's the reason why people are leaving it and going to other server. Thanks and sorry for rage, i got bored enough of this s**t. ( And if i get ban for this post i don't give a f anymore, i know if one player leaves the server noting changes but i want to tell u all to fix this and everything will work properly and fine.
  5. Im sorry for choosing this threat to type, and i know is not the the type of threat im going to do now. I just want to know if there is anyway to transfer character from Fun to 100X thanks..
  6. 1. Whitejocker 2. xFun 3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126261[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126262[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126263[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126264[/ATTACH] The video is recorded by phone reason low pc perfomances ( sorry ):
  7. Jeger i think you need to take a care for Riddick ( Corazon ) beacuse he's threaten on you.
  8. Are you mad guys? For getting punished? You both are kids 10 years old.. go play tetris please http://www.tetris.com is your home - - - Updated - - - Jeger they can't do to you nothing, both of them are hackers, they gets reports and bans every month just ignore them. - - - Updated - - - Pkt is ur father guys? ?
  9. 1. Pktuchattes , Pktupeute , Deadlystarr ( same player ) i reportet him yestarday or today i don't remember really good but he put his characters on the sale list but u didn't find it. And now again he insulted me and this is really not fear for no reason insulting. 2. xFun 3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126250[/ATTACH] The video is recorded from phone beacuse my pc laggs and can't record. - - - Updated - - - I think he's deleting the chars and get them back with the bonuses. My idea is to ban Pktupeute and Pktuchattes, i had other post to, when "Jeger" close the thread he gets the chars back..
  10. 1. Multigladqt 2. xFun 3. http://prntscr.com/fa1qgf [ATTACH=CONFIG]126246[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126247[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126248[/ATTACH]
  11. 1. Enslaversky - Nightripper ( same player ) 2. xFun 3. We played in duel zone and he lost from me with his rogue 3 times, than he logs monk and he win me and type me in chat that. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126245[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126243[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126244[/ATTACH] http://prntscr.com/f9zgkk http://prntscr.com/f9zgnn
  12. 1. Reapocalypse 2. xFun 3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126222[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126223[/ATTACH]
  13. 1. Pktuchatte - Pktutpeute 2. Fun 3. The boi when kills me, are raging and insulting me.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126217[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]126218[/ATTACH]
  14. OldGodx


    I created the account on 2016-02-17 23:31:17 now i want to change my email but i cannot because i don't remember the email I'm already using. How can i find the email I'm using atm and how can i change it. I don't know where to upload this topic.
  15. 1. Heyitsdan 2. xFun 3. Calls me f*****g virgin for no reason. [ATTACH=CONFIG]126189[/ATTACH]
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