Hello there !
I joined in this server long time ago, and i just want to tell u that it was 2016 when i left it. I come now back, and noting is changed everything is the same. How can u earn more people when u guys, the supports of this server no one changes the glitches of that druid balance , feral , rogues damage hunters damage..You all there want to have more people to be more fun and to work perfectly. U can't earn people if u have unballanced classes like this.
I have one example here. [ATTACH=CONFIG]136257[/ATTACH]
On the 5.4.8 patch full geared PvP player is 565-600KHP and 620-700-800 max hp on PvE, tell me how can just 1 Eviscerate do 705 004 Damage ? That,s the reason the server are dying and not that what it was in 2015 and other years.