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  1. Its not just because you faced a low rated or low geared team, neither nude one, that you're wintrading, the max gms can do is check the ip logs between both players.
  2. chainsrow kek insult my grandmom ban him pls )))
  3. name: Hellôkitty realm: fun description: insult relatives just because i said truth about his druid skills (or game skills in general) ) proof: comments: fdp = "fils de pute" which means "son of a bitch"
  4. Name: Willjustdead realm: fun description: insult relatives for no reason ( proof: comment: 30d please
  5. name: Chainzrowkek realm: fun description: flyhacked in guru as usual ) proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXLztIzhBxs&feature=youtu.be comments: please dont let corrupt gm neff unban him for free again )
  6. коррумпированы г будет игнорировать )
  7. Kurdo Fun обижая родственники и оскорбительно / insulting relatives and insult http://imgur.com/a/f8Yl9
  8. Me think this class only 123 xaxxaxax good
  9. Не хватает.
  10. teamname: We love PQR teamleader: Blastin Team: Blastin, Анберлин, Валирикз, Sadmana. -WLS-TSG-
  11. hello, ive bought the character, Full 550 Elemental, then after it, i swap instantly to Alliance, When it comes, At mail it comes with a Boot of Monks and Druids! help please! you can get this boot offf please? i cant equip it.. http://prntscr.com/9dfflf
  12. Hello! My name is Max, im new here, and as i saw, only a few part of forum have signatures for yourself, i want know, is there any section about design, if no, could you create? i would love to make signatures! thanks!
  13. you mad?
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