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  1. Jegerm's post in по поводу игры на БГ. was marked as the answer   
    I do play. Sometimes I lose the BG, sometimes I win it. You can not play BGs and always lose, sometimes you win it as well but I guess you do not complain when you win the BG or when you are in the same team with a premade group right? As I explained earlier the match making have several parameters that can not be controlled and this happens due to the low population the server has in the mornings.
    So offer bloody tokens via PvP quests and then players will have to choose where to spend their tokens? Magic shirts, mounts, titles, visual enchants or transmogrification items? Instead we will create a new currency which will be obtained via battlegrounds so we can give easy access to the transmogrification items to players.
    Imagine having only bloody tokens currency and a player has 15.000 bloody tokens. Where he should spend it first? Buy a magic shirt or a transmogrification item for example? Instead we will give the opportunity to the players to earn seperate tokens for magic shirts/mounts/titles/visual enchants and other new token for transmogrification items.
    That way a player can have 15.000 bloody tokens and another 15.000 new <BG currency token> and have the opportunity to buy both a magic shirt and transmogrification items as well.
    The prices on the transmogrification items will not be that high, so the players will buy them easier.
  2. Jegerm's post in sets of conqueror was marked as the answer   
    Hello, can you give us list of items that you can not transmog and character name?
  3. Jegerm's post in Скажите пожалуйста реалм х5 закрывается ? was marked as the answer   
    Здравствуйте, пожалуйста прочтите.
  4. Jegerm's post in Не получаеться пренести персонажа was marked as the answer   
    Перенести их можно только на x5 & xfun. Если вы хотите играть на новой х100, вам придется создать совершенно нового персонажа.
  5. Jegerm's post in ask for Jagerm was marked as the answer   
    No problem, I am more happy to explain the reasons I declined both reports so for future cases authors will make a proper topic and provide the needed evidences but with the first public criticizing comment I will lock the thread and issue a ban to the violators according to server rules. Let's begin.
    First of all server rules changed in the past years several times, for example if you remember we used to ban for 30 days players for insulting relatives but we now issue a 7 day mute as well as we accept reports only via our ingame report player system. Regarding the example you wrote, capturing a flag with the help of "admin panel hack tool" is a completely different violation. 
    Is capturing the flag with hacking tools same violation as being afk in battlegrounds? Certainly not, it's two completely different things. Also, just to clarify things we of course accept screenshots as proofs for capturing the flag with hacking tools but of course the timestamps must be enabled in chat so we can see when the player took the flag and when he captured it.
    Completely different violation of server rules.
    I already explained that in both reports. We need a video proof so we can observe that players afk for a certain amount of time (more than 1 minute) and doing it constantly (video proofs from at least two different battlegrounds). Why? Because we need to have a minimum amount of time when we consider that someone is afking and ruining the game play of the battleground (the 1 minute length condition) and doing it constantly (2 different videos condition).
    We certainly won't ban someone who afked for few seconds or did it once because dozens of players will get banned daily for this violation and this is not the recommendations we have from administrators.
    Therefore, I will not accept stupid comments that "jegerm does his own rules and ban whoever he wants" because the how we must handle such violations has already been discussed several months ago by me, administrator Buka as well as our head GM Locative.
  6. Jegerm's post in Can't transfer Character from Old 100x to New 100x was marked as the answer   
    Hello, it's because we don't have service which allows the transfer from OLD x100 realm to new x100 realm. If you want to play in our new x100 realm you will have to create a new character and gear him up from the beginning.
    You can only transfer characters from old x100 realm to x5 or xfun.
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