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Iamzodzy last won the day on May 25 2022

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  1. Isnt this your squad? Shame, kinda ez, ngl
  2. They already got farmed when they had 4 healers, but shamans & dks made them log off again. GM's already asked us randomly for videos/recordings which is np for us cause we're always streaming/recording anyway. Easy w
  3. Realm: Xfun Name of Violators: Zenyi Zenche Zenwo Zenhu zenho Zenyu Zenchi Zenci Zenji Description of violation: Proofs: You can see the date at the bottom right, it's current. 11/6/2022 He already got banned once, i guess he got desperate to do it again. https://forum.pandawow.me/showthread.php?t=265421
  4. xfun https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=28631/dragon-quake-shoulderguards -- already exists in CP https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=29515/ebon-netherscale-breastplate -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=29516/ebon-netherscale-belt -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=30739/scaled-greaves-of-the-marksman -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=29517/ebon-netherscale-bracers -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=14815/warstrike-gauntlets -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=14809/warstrike-sabatons -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=821/riverpaw-leather-vest -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=26023/ravager-hide-gloves -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=26026/ornately-tooled-belt -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=9756/nomad-trousers -- added https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=26024/vindicators-leather-moccasins -- added
  5. Na, it's literally only 1 group crying about it. xFun is already dying and when it comes to world pvp, it's only 2 groups fighting. My group & chainz's. And they have been unable to beat us for over a year now. Every little abuse that's ever existed they started, and as soon as we use it, they cry about it. They started playing shamans, used them in guru, elwynn, durotar. They got reported multiple times but it was always fine cause no multibox!. Then we used shamans and beat the fk out of them, now they can't use them anymore and guess what, they cry about it. No one is being hurt by being logged on multiple accounts except this tiny group of idiots who abuse anything they can untill they can't and then suddenly it needs to get "fixed". It's not "wanted by most players". Just everyone in their group because they can't win. They started using 6-8-10 chars and ended up like this, now suddenly everyone needs to play 1 char. Makes sense. This is just getting boring. You farm them into oblivion so they look for something to abuse to get even. Then you use that same abuse and farm them again and suddenly it has to get fixed because unfair. Stop crying, stop asking for special rules, adapt or fall back.
  6. Xfun Illusive Relog revive bug abuse He's been doing this shit for weeks, gm's are aware i think and they tried to fix it, so he's still abusing it to give himself next to no ress timer.
  7. And on top of all of this, yesterday he lied and said it was multiple people on his accounts : And now it's him using a mouse wheel function on his mouse. This dude's story keeps changing and keeps coming up with more fake proof that only hurts him more and more. And since we're talking about lying. Aren't forum titles such as gladiator, rival, any r1 title. Given to players who have actually earned them ingame? How is this guy walking around with this many titles while he had to pay for a 2k boosts. Chainz has never gotten any of those titles and all r1 characters he ever possed, are bought And according to the rules, if characters that were eligible to recieve such rewards were bought/sold, they'd become uneligible to recieve them afterwards. And if for some magical mysterious reason the gm's say this ain't multiboxing (which it clearly is) My group going BRRRMODE 2
  8. The people that get it, get it, the people that don't, don't.
  9. Isn't this you on shamans in 06-10-2019 as the date of the report shows? https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=248135&highlight=multibox (it's a rhetorical question, everyone knows it's you.) Isn't this you admitting in 6-01-2019 that you killed chainz on your "shamans" https://gyazo.com/3602f6e070cf7a64286ec956072647e4 Isn't this you on shamans in 12-2-2020 as the date of the picture? https://gyazo.com/e85c3eccc25f8bb0cb83a73b46c084b5 Isn't this you on shamans, dead, in the back (because, juicyshaman) in 11-21-2021 as the date of the picture? https://gyazo.com/7cacb4f70022054af501cf009c76db76 So according to your own words, "this guy lived on his shamans and now lives on the forums looking like a fool.... *drops mic
  10. Here's another side by side of the poisons being stacked https://imgur.com/gallery/vhT1AHG They're identical mine done with multiboxing and chainz's "supposedly" without. His excuse?: He got a logitech mouse with free wheel scrolling (which according to him, makes him faster if not equally as fast as a multiboxing program). This does nothing if u still have to move your mouse from client to client, there's always going to be a delay. Keep in mind chainz says he has a G502 Hero 16K DPI mouse, while i have a corsair nightsword, 2 totally different pieces of peripherals. However, i am able to perfectly replicate his actions, frame by frame in the videos. At this point it shouldn't be anymore obvious than it is.
  11. https://gyazo.com/e85c3eccc25f8bb0cb83a73b46c084b5 Isn't this you on shamans in dec 2020? What happened, got farmed?
  12. You only watched the first clip huh. Shame. Entire server can see through your bs after this one. You can provide as much fake "proof" as you want. but video shows that i'm only able to replicate your actions with a multibox program. Someone taking lying lessons from amber heard
  13. Ofc you're confused. The only way i was able to replicate your actions in our videos was using multibox. Stay confused :L Start sweating L8r g8r
  14. In addition to my previous report: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=265421, here's video evidence that chainz's actions could've only been performed with a multibox program. As you can see in the video i'm going to show you i tried recreating chainz's actions in the evidence videos in my post. i've used the only 3 methods to use multi clients in an efficient way. 1. alt tab / click new client + using a macro to revive / or a skill to attack 2. mouse wheel scroll hovering over client + using a macro to revive / or a skill to attack 3. multiboxing + using a macro to revive / or a skill to attack You can review any of these methods by using the timestamps in the video: After looking at these methods and comparing it to the 2 videos in the post, you can see that revive method 1,2 don't even come close while the 3rd method (multibox reviving) is as identical to what chainz did as can be. As for the fan of knives, method 1 isn't even close, method 2 gets there, but you can still see the delay in poisons being applied / stacked while the 3rd method (multibox fan of kniving) is as identical to what chainz did as can be. (Yes the graphics of my friends pc aren't that great but i'll retake the clip later with someone who has better hardware). I even put the clips together And i want to clearify, i installed a multibox program last night just to show you that it's impossible to do what he did without it. In the side to side revive video I AM USING MULTIBOX TO REVIVE You can see that me (multiboxing) revives just the way chainz does. My friends and i are going to make an additional video later where he can record poisons being stacked with better graphics if needed and after that of course i'm uninstalling the multibox program, this was just for educational purposes. Video if poisons stacking with multibox (just like chainz did) I talked to a few staff members, so they knew about it and unlike chainz i haven't used this in actual combat and only in testing to provide video evidence. https://gyazo.com/4cc7aba8c8ac4f50de72f327cac72386 Vandaag = today in dutch, use a google translator if u don't believe me. You can close this thread as it is an addition to my previous report
  15. Right, right, you mean like when u got reported for fly hacking on a dk and claimed it wasn't you Then gm's traced the acc and well guess what, chainz got banned https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=256674&highlight=melithari Big admit. Dude's a pathological liar
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