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Everything posted by Iamzodzy

  1. Name of the violator: Qopdhd Realm: Fun Description of the violation: Teleport hack So me and my buddy were in guru and got attacked by this random rogue. After 2 vanishes his (3rd) one got suspicious and i /who'ed him to see where he was and he teleported to elwynn forest. Proof: Might not be the best quality, but you'll see his name eventually.
  2. I faction changed my druid (Iamzod) on the fun realm from alliance to horde and my prideful boots changed from druid to shaman boots. I'd like them to be switched to druid ones again pls. https://gyazo.com/fcdb188dee4f4215c26ddf59663e23b7
  3. rip, can't use your pots in real life you'll get rekt by a toddler
  4. i know, i reported the bug along time ago. But some potions don't get scaled down in pvp so only a couple potions are viable using the bug.
  5. Name of the violator: Inaxoflames Realm: fun Description of the violation: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160476&highlight=potion Proof: Comments to the situation: see when he goes from 180k somewhat hp back to 450k and you can see he drank multiple potions at 0:11
  6. Those buffs help, there's no qeustion to that. But rogues with the right 4/4 pve pieces can (if played right) decimate anyone entirely. I've tested a rogue with the pve buffs (with my friend chainz)" and his hits where anywhere from 400 to 500k. As for my mage with darkmoon buffs... Well see for yourself https://gyazo.com/a690c3038bbcdd2b72aa2af66babd13a
  7. Name of the violator: Corazøn // annehathaway Realm, where you saw the violation: Fun - 7:31 server time You should write what the violation is be Proof: http://imgur.com/Ki51jwH
  8. We all know iamzod good druid, but actually good monk 2? kill inaxerflamer who abuse bug potion in here ( http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160476&highlight=potion ) and still loser vs mi monk. http://imgur.com/jVwfwPx
  9. was created to show who actually god boomkin of pandawow still me (K)
  10. https://gyazo.com/20ae8fbaa4713cde6e7f2d507abee6f1 #iamzod boomkin god #flawlessed #noteventrying #rackingupthebodies #killcounttoomuch #asdasdasdimmortal https://gyazo.com/bc79cba2adbeb9e3828f0b64b2dd37a3 #stillimmortal #classchangetohunter #petferal #1v1actually1v2 #can'tcountgobacktoschool
  11. Wherever i go i have big groups ganking me, seems like no one can kill me solo jajajaja Someone call a rodent extinguisher cause there are so many rats on my ass Guess that's what u get for being the g0d of pandawow
  12. Yeah, did you see that part where he cut the video? - - - Updated - - - Inaxoflames is just a little rat that's pist at me because he can never kill me, the first thing he does when he sees me in guru is attack me, like i stated earlier whenever im about to kill him he uses these potions i already reported on the forums as a bug, he enters a bg and after that if hes still about to die he teleport hacks away. All in all, if u have to make this because it's the only thing you can do vs me, you're pretty sad and pist
  13. Are you one to talk? someone who has been reported over and over, and people know that you actually do it aswell. Sit this one out, you and inaxo (the tele hacking duo) should really be careful lmao
  14. It's funny cause you enter bgs to get full health again, you bug abuse those alchemy pots, AND you teleport hack to survive. Lets be honest, you can't kill anyone lmao.
  15. nice edit tho stop being pist cause you can't kill me on your own -don't h8, appreciate
  16. Cba getting pulled down by a hacker that's been on the server for like a week. Either the gm's start dealing with you, or i'll just keep killing you. It's whatever. love beanxo -youraveragehackerkiller
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