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  1. hello i've question, some guys told me that they get bonuses and mount cuz of last season but not title yet , it is true ?
  2. Hello juster, i was R19 and i want to get my challenger title, when does reward will be given for previous season ?
  3. haha markzxy is a nice wintrader. he is so shit
  4. Hahaha markzxy is so fucking trash wintraders
  5. hello, as you said season should reset this current month, did you change your choice ? Or it hasn't change?
  6. It has been fixed i try this morning
  7. Lol no way...
  8. This bug should be fixed i think
  9. Wao lel can't listen all..
  10. Actually they are all stupid, it is not Off Season, Reward will be give (Like Tittle + Bonuses) BUT we'll not get money or something like that. Just it. Hope they will give news .
  11. Are you stupid or what about ? This theme has already been discussed WITHOUT any NEWS OR ANSWERD whereas they said that they will give us News After new Years. Juster also told to Noneed that there will be an news. But THERE is not. So these thread has never been resolved.
  12. They shoud give an answer .. They told us that there will be some news after new year. But no there is not..
  13. Hello, What's wrong with it really ? SEASON WON'T RESET ! ? No news, not even any News of Reward at end of season ? This is a joke or ? Juster said that this current month there will news about season reset ? But no. Month will be end really soon but no news.
  14. Noneedholy you are the worst player there, can't understand why you post an false screen rofl, he rekt you. That's why you post this thread cuz you mad
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