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  1. "u dont need that for this kind of report but ok u are brazilian is accept able to be dumb" """""u are brazilian is accept able to be dumb"""""""" acceptable ? this is an absurd, where u are from Chainzrow ? because where u live, i think don't have education in the priorites, because speak like this about someone who lives in a place where you probably never been in life, and never will be, it is the dumbest thing possible.
  2. yeah everybody are using this thing, but it's bugged just with some classes like mage, druid and warlock, is ridiculous.
  3. dude if u inspect an rogue on fun they will be using pve trinkets, rogues die really fast in arenas, if you see the arena, almost all are with healers, so die fast, can't survive so much, but make a stupid damage, can kill a player in the opener, you think this is fair ? i stopped to go arenas because the cross lag, but i always fight rogues on bgs, and is stupid, can even kill a healer easy, not just rogues can make a stupid damage, i hited last night 205k with a conflagrate in a full geared druid on the bg, without any buff, so resilence don't work really well i think, or some classes have to be really nerfed, balanced, my warlock is not even full and hit like this, my mage hited 230k in a full geared pvp player, so i think some formulas are really wrong. this video here is a bit old, but is the same thing now
  4. the title is ironical, of course everybody knows they are ridiculous op, pet kill players alone, the hunter don't need to shot, rogues are another thing, eviscerate hitting like 200k on full geared players, pve gear don't scaling correct, pve trinkets procs, many other things, pvp trinkets are useless for real, the damage reduction is invisible, u die like don't have any gears against rogues and hunters, just make this topic to show how is the game for now, i see many people with 100+ arena wins, and no single match lost, so i think they never fight rogues and hunters, or they are just win-trading, if u guys see the top of the rank don't have 1000 player kills, so my question is how ?
  5. Adlairo thanks for the info.
  6. i see all the time, many players with 3 or more buffs, they make an insane damage, all the time, i have like 10 or more prints from these players, but the question is, everybody see, but nobody report, is bannable ?
  7. because is the game now, hunter, hunters everywhere, they are op now, everybody knows, pets killing players full 550, pet abilities hiting 150k + hunters don't need to shoot anymore, probaly the most broken class now, fix one bug, make another bug, i hope the hunter fix come fast...
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]110576[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]110577[/ATTACH] 606k O.o i'm full geared, using pvp trinkets, so resilence don't work something like this ? http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5072732.html this player hited me
  9. they have to fix another bugs, like the op damage of this class, rogue kill in seconds, even a full geared player, some of them use these pve trinkets, they are op, everybody knows, now hunters make a lot of damage, they are op as hell, they have to fix all classes, balance pvp.
  10. arena lagging all time :/
  11. 1. xfun 2. Skfuck, Alliance. 3. Acquired service: Change nick / gender 4. 09.03.2016 19:22 hour of the error, and i don't take a print from the buy time. 5. In the menu, i select the character, when I click to change the character I get a crash with the error #132 6. I wanna help, or some way to change my gender and nickname 7.http://prntscr.com/ad9qze, http://prntscr.com/ad9scz
  12. name = Uxmal, full 550, 5 professions and first aid, lots of xmogs, arena mounts, some titles [ATTACH=CONFIG]101698[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]101699[/ATTACH] http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-5427812.html 891 bonuses
  13. name = Uxmal, full 550, 5 professions and first aid, lots of xmogs, arena mounts, some titles [ATTACH=CONFIG]101700[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]101701[/ATTACH] http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-5427812.html 891 bonuses
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