dude if u inspect an rogue on fun they will be using pve trinkets, rogues die really fast in arenas, if you see the arena, almost all are with healers, so die fast, can't survive so much, but make a stupid damage, can kill a player in the opener, you think this is fair ? i stopped to go arenas because the cross lag, but i always fight rogues on bgs, and is stupid, can even kill a healer easy, not just rogues can make a stupid damage, i hited last night 205k with a conflagrate in a full geared druid on the bg, without any buff, so resilence don't work really well i think, or some classes have to be really nerfed, balanced, my warlock is not even full and hit like this, my mage hited 230k in a full geared pvp player, so i think some formulas are really wrong.
this video here is a bit old, but is the same thing now