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  1. Buka duka shika luka heisen beisen daisen deadmouse deadlouse deadhouse zeox deox detox neff sneff sniff the line... Can we get a fix this year??
  2. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=232983
  3. Pvp sucks, pve and rp is the best in the world! Thx hisenberg and deadmouse for focusing on pve. Best day of my life. I will do SoO 25 HC, i need a group asap!!!
  4. buggywow :=)
  5. 1. Djfreez 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=67791 3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=223057&page=2&p=1335829&viewfull=1#post1335829 4. 2.2 + 2.3 https://gyazo.com/78fa8c676ecd980de9986ae9a1920a0a
  6. because some people care about it, just like some people do bgs now because you can get transmog items?
  7. so in other words, nothing will be done to motivate 3v3 queues.
  8. your opinion??? you asked me, im asking u for an opinion of what you think are you trolling me?
  9. what? http://www.gingersoftware.com/english-online/spelling-book/misspelling/potato-potatoe-potuto
  10. -,- http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?p=1332187#post1332187
  11. yoyoyoyoy??
  12. then it's done, no titles. please don't go and change your mind 24/7. 1.8-2k will get titles, sweet!. time to push 20 chars and get a "meaningful" title.
  13. Firego


    Thank you for your comment. If you could just do it like this everytime you wanted something fixed, that'd be great. But please don't make false statements. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
  14. thats why its aids to report some bugs, but if u want this to be blizzlike, you have to go through hell to do it. no one said it was easy. i bet that is why most people cba reporting bugs.
  15. aka stealth nerfs. psyfiend got many stealth nerfs in mop what u can do is to find youtube videos. druid vs priest or something...
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