Now that i have checked,i have to confirm the account is owned by a server admin.I will not name it here.
Use your logic:why would they delete themselves?They wanna be good.They wintrade when they can(they can check the arena queues) or they use the kill command when you have low hp when they have the chance without anyone to stop/remove them.
Have a good day.
His IP can be changed,his pampers can be changed(OR NOT).And the fun server is not so fun without him there,so they wont get rid of it.
He will be probably flushed,but he remains...persistent crap.
There's some surface below the arena and you can sit on it,masturbate on it,etc.
But the way he got there is doubtful.Getting feared under the map doesnt work anymore,it is fixed.
So this will take 30 days to fix.