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  1. I will close topic and back char on account if someone want to buy, send me a private message.
  2. Name: Ksiniya Realm: x100 Description: Walking on water, no buff? Proof: http://i.imgur.com/RBuIbW1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lBzs1Sm.jpg
  3. bump, char hass 10+ titles
  4. http://i.imgur.com/4dJLrdT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eZl1A5I.jpg Name: Fipy [+free change Name] Level: 90 Faction: Alliance Race: Gnome [+ free Race change] Class: Warrior Gender: Male Time in game: 17 d. 6 h. 21 m. Link to buy character. [Fipy] Reins of the Vicious Warsaber http://i.imgur.com/8cAGo1z.jpg Reins of the Vicious War Steed http://i.imgur.com/wnaUHq3.jpg
  5. thanks for answer :D
  6. yes i tryed bro, nothing
  7. tryed all of thet, downloaded new wow and nothing tryed on friend pc, nothing :S i think is problem on server not me
  8. Hello i just buyed to change race of my warrior and when i click on button to do it, i get error. I tryed anything, nothing fixed error #132, and i tryed on difrent os and difrent computer, nothing. Sorry for bad english. http://i.imgur.com/W33ek7d.png http://i.imgur.com/6RpMsDm.jpg
  9. #bump
  10. 1. Account name: 2. Realm: PandaWoW x100 3. Current Email on your account, and the Email you want to be changed to: 4. Your IP address, indicate all of them: 5. Proof, that you really are the owner of the account, and Email: 6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email: my email has 5 characters, but now is minimum 6 on google and some way i lose my mail and now i cant access to gmail. I hide ips for private reasons if i need to give admin full ip adress i will give. Sorry for bad english. Thanks
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