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  1. Ivandorn

    Explosive shot

    yeap need up this dmg... just check logs explossive 14970... are you srsly? need up this skill to 70-80k at least. because warrior/mage still op and can oneshot everyone in deep. but hunter should do more dmg then warrior/mage because hunter is heroic class!
  2. у тебя карина мозга
  3. Воу воу петушки полегче http://vk.com/doc270417929_437054800?hash=d7610980b00a411982&dl=ef4af6cd2804358a02&wnd=1&module=profile&mp4=1
  4. Векс тикай. Сейчас Meganz, Veynnzy и их братия нюхачей-петушков накинуться. http://risovach.ru/upload/2014/07/mem/boevoi-muzhik-bleat_56225792_orig_.jpg
  6. Ivandorn

    Explosive shot

    just in next season u will not see any hunter in top-10. only warlock/warrior/mage/shaman/monk ... like u see other hunters Серенити/Hitdown + Joegarnx/Darkmeganz just wintrade for 3k because it's impossible to get... will be rly funny next season only lsd/wms/wls in 3v3 and warrior+healer, warlock+healer, mage+healer in 2v2
  7. Ivandorn

    Explosive shot

    90k? how its possible? my max crit as hunter with 550 ilvl 14k hit as explosive shot.
  8. warrior+hunter+shaman = kfc hunter+balance/feral druid+shaman rogue+hunter+shaman = thug cleave mage+warlock+shaman = mls mage+balance/feral druid+shaman mage+shadow priest+shaman = shatter enh/elem shaman + warrior + shaman also viable comps ^^
  9. Ivandorn

    Explosive shot

    just explosive should crit 80k as hit and stack to 200k as dot. that's all. fix it. if explossive will crit with procs 14k it will be useless. i can make screenshots / recording if need. at this time explossive shot just useless ability.
  10. Ivandorn

    Explosive shot

    just need up this spell. because if explosive shot will crit with full proc 14k it's just useless, srsly. ok try to play as hunter + healer vs warrior+restor shaman / mw monk at 3k mmr. wanna see what u will do. even if enemy healer got full CC 15-20 seconds warrior will alive... epic. because explosive shot just do 14k crit dmg... 14k CARL!
  11. Ivandorn

    Explosive shot

    Realm tested - Fun Spell - Explosive Shot Date tested - 21/02/2016 14k crit dmg ... are u srsly? even arcane shot do more dmg... please up dmg of this skill, because after nerf this spell just useless. how it should crit:
  12. даже на ютубе можно использовать слово хач и не будет страйка. в тв передачах тоже используется. википедия характерезует данное слово как крест. когда хач называет другого хача хачём это нормально. когда нигер называет другого нигера нигером это тоже нормально. когда белый называет хача хачём или нигера нигером это дискриминация.
  13. nice video.
  14. so bad.. recording games at 1.7k? srsly? if even at 3k only noobs... backpedalling? oh lol. epic mouse click on spell? oh yea it's 1.7k gameplay.
  15. разрывной должен в шв бить 80к.
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