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Everything posted by CallMeDave
Hi, i dont own this email, the account was given to me by a "friend", today he logged the account and deleted all the transmogs, pvp, and pve sets from my main chars also some characters, can i recover them somehow?
1.Wintrade 2. Names:Nekoxneko, Zozohealer, Thidaswe, Believe, Themanisform, Hordesuckss 3. Realm: Fun 4. As you can see one team wins one team loses repetitively, also the character http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6230459&realm=3 has 1 day played and no gear 5. Proof: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6221877&realm=3&type=1&season=6
1. Wintraders 2. Names: Sicoob, Newangel, Arcanedeath, Lockrja 3. Fun 4. Proof: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=5736659&realm=3&type=1&season=6
1. Wintrading 2. Names: Gallakras, Mazira, Takemybolt, Pickicaa, Huxorl, Krilex 3. Realm: Fun 4. Gallakras, Mazira, Takemybolt getting in the same arena against chars that have no gear over and over again. 5. Id: 524130 524074 523823 506985 506964
1. Wintrading :) 2. Names: Blackghostt, Krilex, Heallshott, Pujdoo 3. Realm: Fun 4. So these guys Blackghostt, Krilex, Heallshott keep getting against the same enemy every arena, a mage with no gear Pujdoo as u can see in his inventory, and 2 more chars with no names. 5. Proof, match id :http://prntscr.com/gf11pa 429748 429731 429716 429703 429696
Like you :)
1. Fly Hacker 2. Name: Ylesaxeli 3. Realm: Fun 4. Fly hacking in guru 5. Proofs: http://prntscr.com/gdp7oi http://prntscr.com/gdp8bf http://prntscr.com/gdp8ma 6. As u can see the monk doesn't have any mount icons and hes casting in air.
1. Spammer 2. Name: Søcks 3. Realm: Fun 4. He spammed "PVE ROGUE'' with caps as you can see :D 5. Proofs: https://prnt.sc/gdkhue https://prnt.sc/gdki7p https://prnt.sc/gdkict https://prnt.sc/gdkijv 6. Jeger, in this thread: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=223443 Søcksdemorte is Søcks the one i reported now and you said if he will get reported 1 more time for spamming you are going to ban him. Proof: http://prntscr.com/gdkjur
4/10 She's hot tho
1. Wintraders 2. Names: Kaosarrow, Holavenger, Wayofshadows, Frezepower, Fearpower, Totemway 3. Realm: Fun 4. They have tyrannical gear but all of them are 1.3+ in 3s 5. Proof, match id: http://prntscr.com/gb4eji 487516 487488 485290 485261 485233 485134 485001
1. Another Talent Abuser 2. Name: Kathannass 3. Realm: Fun 4. Lvl 90 talent abuse [Heart of the Wild]+ [Nature's Vigil] same time 5. Proofs: https://prnt.sc/gargpt https://prnt.sc/gargxe https://prnt.sc/garhfy
1. Talent Abuser 2. Name: Druidi 3. Realm: Fun 4. Lvl 90 talent abuse [Heart of the Wild]+ [Nature's Vigil] same time 5. Proof: http://prntscr.com/gakhnm
1. Wintrading 2. Names: Skriller, Chinbinha, Veleza 3. Realm: Fun 4. Wintraders. 5. proof: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=3979004&realm=3&type=1 https://prnt.sc/gahu6o http://prntscr.com/gahupt
1. Another talent abuser 2. Name: Topboomy 3. Realm: Fun 4. Lvl 90 talent abuse [Heart of the Wild]+ [Nature's Vigil] same time 5. Proofs: http://prntscr.com/g9n6r4 http://prntscr.com/g9n740
Nobody likes u aswell, Shamanfire, u are getting roasted by everyone also farmed rofl, u always cry when some1 beats u in a 1v1 even tho u play with pve 24/7 and buffs and u make no sense when u talk with some1, u are the perfect definition for autism.
1. Talent Abuser 2. Name:Skurts 3. Realm:Fun 4. Lvl 90 talent abuse [Heart of the Wild]+ [Nature's Vigil] same time 5. Proofs: https://prnt.sc/g8vcqb https://prnt.sc/g8vd00
Lol photoshop, abuse more pve hero, tell me when u wanna wargame me.
1.Name: Netzero 2. Realm:Fun 3. Talent abuse: [Heart of the Wild]+ [Nature's Vigil] same time 4. Proof: http://prntscr.com/g7jfsl http://prntscr.com/g7jg17 http://prntscr.com/g7jg77
1.Name: Phayzed 2.Realm: Fun 3. Talent abuse: [Heart of the Wild] + [Nature's Vigil] same time 4: Proof: http://prntscr.com/g7jelb http://prntscr.com/g7jevz
Challenge accepted Roby. http://imgur.com/a/o82F7 I challenge: 1. Elevated 2. dft 2. Ggeasynab (iggy)
WTS warr full pvp/pve, trinkets, 4 donated mogs, 2 donated mounts, lot of donated weps, tabards, is on site nick: Pilaavpowa for 714+tax
u forgot races
Hi! My name is Dave and this is my first thread on this forum is kinda short but i hope ill make something from this. Plz fix bm hunter, warr dmg! Its just retarded to see 50K bites, to see at the end of arena dat a hunter did 5x more dmg then u, to see how u die in 20 sec against kfc :diablo: in retail (mop) nobody played bm NOBODY, everyone played surv or mm, but here, yes they are all playing bm cuz is broken.I dont wanna mention dks :shock: i beg u to try and fix this classes cuz is fvcking annoying! I hope it will happen! Thank u for reading this thread!