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  1. I'm not joking I put myself as far as I could from the dummy and I used /petattack and there was no delay, my pet just did not blink
  2. 1. Name of the not working talent: Blink Strikes http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=130392/blink-strikes 2. Blink Strikes says your pet should teleport to target but it doesn't. Repair on web didn't help. Relogged several times. Tried with several pets (spider, bear, owl, dino) 3. Your pet deals more damage and should teleport to target. When you press attack on the pet spells it has to automatically teleport to target. 4. Tested: 02/04/15 5. Realm: x100 6. Name character: Lissand (Hunter, Ally, Night elf) 7. Priority: 7 Thx for the support. Javo
  3. I chose Blink Strikes as my lvl 75 talent but my pet doesnt blink. It deals more damage as the talent says tho. I tried with several pets: spider, owl, bear, dino. I even change my especialization to BM from MM and it still doesnt work. I relogged several times. Still doesnt work. Pls help
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