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  1. Wasn't there a bug for Shamans where they could heal their totems? Or is that fixed?
  2. only input i will give: okay so basically it should be like this (basically like on retail): allow obscene speech (theres even a function to turn this off) and insults, and even spam (except maybe limit the amount of messages in the server chats (english chat, world chat etc) you can send for a certain amount of time (and i mean that you can only send like 3 messages before you have to wait a while to send another message)) issue bans / mutes when people feel VIOLATED and the need to report it on the FORUMS. i mean sometimes you're just muting over something thats BARELY obscene speech when nobody gives a single shit about what has been said.
  3. how the fuck would you be able to keep these logs in check and handle them anyway? there is like a gazillion lines of dialogue every single day
  4. too bad you screwed up the loot rules and you got punished for it
  5. Congratulations! 30 autism points to you!
  6. yeah too fucking bad for you
  7. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=110310/dampening 2. In 3v3, dampening starts after 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes. 3. Dampening should start after 5 minutes in 3v3. 4. 4-1-2017 5. Fun 6. 10/10 Source: (5.4.7 patch notes) https://gyazo.com/1af440962de97300e60adf527f0a6904 http://ptr.wowhead.com/forums&topic=227262 Video proof: Blizzcon 2014 (this was in 5.4.8) Game starts 7:55, dampening begins at 12:55
  8. its not that they dont want it. your report is just such profound bullshit that they CANT ban him, stupid mongoloids gurubashi must have melted your brain
  9. really ironic of you to say that, but he said mon, not mom, and therefor he didn't insult his mother :) fucking imbred
  10. ??? he said fuck your mon he didnt insult your family?
  11. 65k mmr dude thats just me on my alt
  12. yeah you're really fucking edgy now go kill yourself you could never make something that looks this good
  13. Adlairotwo


    wooooo mr edgelord 69 "kys kys "" !!!!!!!!!!!! u probably have a Clorox Bleach account on yt
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