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About mechaniix

  • Birthday August 5

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  1. I don't understand why are they defending this, for what other reason would they be using this old trinket? blatant exploit.
  2. Strongly disagree. WOD models are hideous and there should always be an option.
  3. Keeps happening all day, i recorded it again but what's the point if you can't reproduce it
  4. Can't take flag while horde. Tried when the flag is neutral or taken, the error message is "INVALID TARGET" happened to me 2 times both at the start of the battleground. PandaWoW-64 2025-02-20 14-39-28-573.mp4
  5. Recent changes added a strange green visual bug to https://db.pandawow.me/?item=130101
  6. Hello! just found out that you can't transmog your off-hand to two handed and other categories (with premium mog) on classes: Rogue and Monk (WW) EDIT: Noticed that you can't put a visual enchantment on https://db.pandawow.me/?item=50815
  7. Missing other weapon categories on premium transmogrification on monk class
  8. Update Polearm category is there but can't transmog into polearms on all classes for example Druid and the category isn't on all classes. I think all weapon categories should be inside the menu for premium transmog users. Can't transmog any red version of https://www.wowhead.com/item=32235/cursed-vision-of-sargeras https://db.pandawow.me/?item=3536 https://db.pandawow.me/?item=81926
  9. aight! amazing update btw i love it
  10. Also what about other CM sets. I am a warrior but use lich lord cm set and cannot transmog it thats all the bugs i came across
  11. All of the weapon categories should be here if you have premium mog
  12. I have premium mog yes. I should be able a two handed weapon into a polearm in this case a Hellreaver. Paladin Human
  13. Missing CM set original Lich Lord
  14. https://www.wowhead.com/item=29185/continuum-blade https://www.wowhead.com/item=28305/gladiators-pummeler https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=18822/obsidian-edged-blade https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/item=28299/gladiators-bonegrinder It still has my Primal Fire enchant applied even if I can't apply other enchants. Error message: This weapon appearance cannot be transmogrified with enchabts,
  15. The transmog NPC where the dressing room is, is missing Polearm and Fistweapon category for transmogs. Edit: Staffs too and can't apply weapon enchant on certain transmog weapon choices.
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