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  1. love how ur all triggered by this idiot mod if he literaly mutes me insta unmute buy cuz #pandawow
  2. more like blaston - the art of autism
  3. Klbæ

    XD Calm down

    Blizzard have deleted forums posts by top players their suggestions so everyone pretty much stopped trying to help blizzard make legion good theyll most likely just make it even more dogshit than wod. "and best of all, people actually know what the fuck they're doing. They're not just mashing their Slam key and their Healing Stream key." and that is a completetly retarded sentence thats not the servers fault its how this patch works.
  4. we look at it later needs more proofs
  5. Klbæ

    Shooting Stars

    ofc im gonna lose to blasstons tsg when the mass reflects clones at 99% of the cast every fucking time
  6. Klbæ

    Shooting Stars

    kinda feelsbadman atm i liked this bug ;( didnt expect them to fix it this fast fml
  7. damn thats pretty neat repitch anyway wtb fix ill pay in bonuses Kappa
  8. Needs more proofs Kappa4Head
  9. Guys chill we just need more proofs ;(
  10. war/rsham has a high skill cap he prac's day and night to be good enough to be able to win and get those screenshots!
  11. No proofs Kappa
  12. why are u guys even bothering juster will just reply "no proofs closed" ROFL
  13. Klbæ


    typical pandawow idd if he wins he outplayed u if u beat him ur abusing/counter comp
  14. doesnt put you always in combat just sometimes dont really know didnt use it enough to figure out whats causing it.
  15. Klbæ


    "Merciless Gladiator" biggest joke ever. the only thing ur good at is being dogshit :
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