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  1. Cykadick in 2030 http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/093/953/c5b.jpg
  2. They Call me Chainzrow! http://manrepeller.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ll-cool-j.jpg
  3. http://image.blingee.com/images19/content/output/000/000/000/7e9/827331440_1861916.gif?4 - - - Updated - - - Guess Cykadick knew i was correct, 1 point to Oxide!
  4. That's what it means right? - - - Updated - - - Can't you see where i put the Ima slang bit into?
  5. But yet again, "Jaja we all know I'm going to right xD" wouldn't make sense, one point to chainz
  6. I am fricken surprised he never said "Ima"
  7. Also i thought "Cuz" meant cousin? not "Because"? Coz means "Because" can't even slang properly
  8. No he didn't you retarded mongrel, every sentence he types is that of a 5 year old..
  9. So "Ima" stands for "I am going to" i thought it meant "I am"
  10. Didn't say it wasn't? the way he was using it was incorrect.
  11. But it's not actual English you moron
  12. Because it bothers you, maybe you should consider changing that Profile Pic to "I love you Jiri, don't hurt my baby
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