Alright, so, i am going to make this quick, i just recently made a forum account here to let everyone know.
I have been getting a ton of complaints in both my skype, youtube and stream about some raging forum person on this forum under the name of Nemifest, several people have been asking me if it's me or telling me about this guy here.
I am simply going to say that the "Nemifest" on this forum, IS NOT the real one, so called me.
He's not the Nemifest on youtube, Twitch, Blazingboost, The gladiator nemifest, so on.. i cant be arsed to explain it all, but you guys get the point.
this right here, Is what i play, i play on WOTLK servers, i quit retail at pre-mop since vanilla, i dont play MoP.
He's basically copying my name or for some magical reason, has the same name as me which i find very hard to believe considering he has a signature of a warrior named "borz" aswell.
Why am i creating this thread? simple, just saving my own reputation since a lot of people seem to think that i am this Nemifest on this forum, and apparently a lot of people dont like him.
Feel free to contact me via youtube or twitch if you dont believe me.
Have a nice day everyone.
// Lord Nemifest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)