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Real Nemifest

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  1. Alex is the name of the guy i assume? Anyway, as i stated earlier, i really dont care about it, he isnt the first person and sure most likely wont be the last to be using it. I simply went onto this forum to let the people know who plays here and contacts me about this guy, that it's not me.. And then that other cancerous players like Noneedholy appeared, not really surprised, it's just how the pvp community is nowadays unfortunately.
  2. Didn't try to burn anyone, ive got nothing against the dude, simply left a message to him and the rest of the people who think that he's me, but clearly you dont know the difference since you've got the same IQ of an inbred seagull.
  3. Didn't even understand a single word of what you just said, you've got the grammar knowledge of a sixth grader. if you think you're the first toxic kid that i come across, you're pretty far up there mate, the PvP community is full of them. Do i care? Nah, not really to be honest, This was just a lot more easier for me to do, so that everyone who plays here, can stop contacting me about the person on this forum since i really dont care and its getting boring telling everyone that it's not me, but ayy.. Cba wasting my time on another cancerous kid who has nothing good to say nor any arguements to back up.
  4. No words for how much of a shit i give about a person playing on an expansion that requires absolute 0 skill lol. Judging by the fact that you have a doge picture on ur stream and a cancerous flashing gif, I think i got everything i need to know about you, another toxic kid who is most likely not older than 15, Sits at home all day and has pointless arguements in-game, trying to stroke ur e-penis. Come back when you got something useful to say, This was a message to everyone who doesnt like this nemifest and thinks he's me. Not surprised that you play mop though, kek.
  5. Alright, so, i am going to make this quick, i just recently made a forum account here to let everyone know. I have been getting a ton of complaints in both my skype, youtube and stream about some raging forum person on this forum under the name of Nemifest, several people have been asking me if it's me or telling me about this guy here. I am simply going to say that the "Nemifest" on this forum, IS NOT the real one, so called me. He's not the Nemifest on youtube, Twitch, Blazingboost, The gladiator nemifest, so on.. i cant be arsed to explain it all, but you guys get the point. http://i.imgur.com/m2sauZC.jpg this right here, Is what i play, i play on WOTLK servers, i quit retail at pre-mop since vanilla, i dont play MoP. He's basically copying my name or for some magical reason, has the same name as me which i find very hard to believe considering he has a signature of a warrior named "borz" aswell. Why am i creating this thread? simple, just saving my own reputation since a lot of people seem to think that i am this Nemifest on this forum, and apparently a lot of people dont like him. Feel free to contact me via youtube or twitch if you dont believe me. Have a nice day everyone. // Lord Nemifest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://i.imgur.com/e4d4I0b.png
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