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  1. Player: Gangstaxa, Gangstaxb, Gangstaxc, Gansgtaxd [ATTACH=CONFIG]124733[/ATTACH]
  2. You just have to see the chat in the screenshot
  3. No hay de que ^^
  4. No te deja desertor si sales con alt+f4, por lo que puede hacerlo cada 20 segundos si quiere
  5. No es teleport, entra y sale de BG
  6. There is a Paladin doing nothing for the team and just saying that is a bot from the alliance and it's going to make us lose the game [ATTACH=CONFIG]124138[/ATTACH] So please, do something with it
  7. There is a GM in group with some ally carrying him with mount in Orgrimmar[ATTACH=CONFIG]122911[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122912[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]122913[/ATTACH]
  8. Well, since you can not do anything and you have to wait until they want to fix the problem, it will play something else these 30 days, but thanks for your time anyway And thanks to those who supported me
  9. Okay, I saw it coming that I would not remove the ban , but at least try to fix the problem , please. And if you can, that debase me at least the punishment is 30 days , and I think it is too much to be something I did not by choice, but because they have not fixed the problem, not that I'm against my ban , I just seems a little unfair
  10. Hello , I want to make a claim because they have banned me to use a hack to access a location that is bug and could not pass to the next stage of the map, just in the dungeon " The Alcatraz " and of course , i've used the program, but just because I could not go on, when in my opinion, should be fine, because when going through the program, it was all right across the hall , please I would like a response or unban , if possible , and I had reason to do so and also did not use it against anyone , but to help a little because they do not fix the problem. Thanks in advance - - - Updated - - - By the way , I have screenshots of the place in which the bug occurs - - - Updated - - - [ATTACH=CONFIG]109489[/ATTACH]
  11. Muchas gracias por tu respuesta, estaré al tanto de la re-conexión, buen día
  12. Hola, quería saber como solucionar el problema, ya que tengo varias horas tratando de entrar y se me queda en "Conectando", igual que a Xnas y vi en la página del servidor que hay 1656 personas conectadas en este momento, lo cual me indica que el servidor está activo y eso agranda mi duda acerca de qué está ocurriendo, ya intenté borrando cache, copiando y pegando de nuevo la carpeta config de WTF, cambiando mi DNS, reiniciando el ordenador y el router y no se arregla el problema ¿Me podrían ayudar con esto, por favor? Gracias de antemano
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