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  1. i need to know the email i use to create my account.. i forget the mail.... i have my username etc but i dont remember my email.. you guys can help me with this? i want to revover my chars and buy bonuses and buy a new chars
  2. 1- Truffautxo 2- Fun Realm 3- Player insults / countrys / racism 4- http://imgur.com/TRnEyGu - http://imgur.com/ueZpSRz - http://imgur.com/jxe2oxs this guy its always talking shit about my country and rusia.... saying we are trash and talking shit about all our terrostim attacks...
  4. dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. today its sunday ................... just saying XD
  6. 2.18. Advertising third-party projects/servers. hi, any GM OR MOD can answer me this please!?!?!? NOT A PLAYER. 1- if i use this program to morph my chars i can get banned!?
  7. he says ( IDK MAYBE ) so NO xddddddd
  8. uptade is this days!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  9. they should make one realm... fun x100 = one realm lol ..
  10. ik mexican , but we need the uptade to see this bugs fixed.
  11. +1 :(
  12. dude you rlly need to answeer ALLL THE FUCKING POST IN THE FORUM.. get a life 24/7 playing bgs lf healers... rlly get a life
  13. Please apply the uptade fixed the bugs.....!!! just the bugs no the new page we are losing so many players server its kinda dead atm please fix the bugs
  14. ( Account name, which has been stolen: suraii ) ........... hooooooooooooow da fuck you can stole a account??? there is no way... you need to give the pass to other people and you want to change the email from this account? sounds weird sounds like you want to stole this char XD - - - Добавлено - - - dragonbuuu... btw why you just dont change your password if this is your account??? its easy.. looool! they send you a email to you gmail-hotmail and thats it no more problems
  15. +1 I agree with you 100%
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