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  1. Issue: So i was doing The Eye raid on my fresh awar Ruknar on horde. I wasnt even passed the first that flying fucking chicken that takes ages to kill because its bugged. Next thing i know i cant enter to my account.. I go to the website it says i was autobanned for a fucking speed hack are you fucking kiding me? Ive been on this server for more then a year, got three 550 chars on ally all from arenas, all on 1.8+ and your fucking autoban bans me for no reason? Give me a way to prove that i didnt use any shit ffs.. Realm: Fun Name: Ruknar name of the char and duty104 name of the acc.. Fucking atuoban -.-
  2. So yeah im having a problem entering the server this morning i first thought that it is a server reset but it has been like this for 2 hours so yeah... [ATTACH=CONFIG]111233[/ATTACH] :rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini:
  3. Thank you very much my good sir you can close the thread now!
  4. Well hello everyone again... It`s sad how we meet on this forum only when we have problems.. I was playing normaly this morning and i went offlien turned off my computer that only i have acess to, came back and now i can`t log in.. Here is a pic of what it says.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]110423[/ATTACH]
  5. Thank you that worked! Close the post :)
  6. Well im stuck at 1035 rep with them, i gooled for houres and the only answer was "Buy the tabard and do dungeons you will gain rep". Well i a couple of dungeons/raids.. Didn`t get any rep so can someone help me i only need them for the "Pandaren Ambassador" achiv. Much love from Balkan :beer:
  7. Do you know how many arenas it takes? We did last night about 20 arenas are were wins but there was no exp given :( - - - Updated - - - Hmm can you tell me what dailys you did? And btw we did ICC 2 guys last night still got no exp.. Im starting to think there is bug with guileds :/
  8. Hello everyone, Im sorry if im in the wrong forum if i am move the post where it should be. So after a long time in bigger guild me and my buddy realised its time to make a new one just for us and our buddys. But we are having problems leveling it up to lvl 25. We did raids, dungeons, bgs etc.. But nothing gave us exp. Only scenarios but they gave very little amount of exp.. And we kinda capped valor a long time ago. So im asking if someone can post a quick guide, or tell me if there is some trick to get it to lvl 25 on the fun server. Thank you for the answers and sorry for the bad english. Cheers!:beer::beer:
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