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Everything posted by Coraxx

  1. Hello, what's up with all those rare vein spawns in Northrend, WoWHead says there should be over 350 Titanium veins in Sholazar, and I cant find a single one.
  2. The case is closed.
  3. Looks like I've gotta remove all of the addons, removed Bartender4 but still I can't enter - - - Updated - - - Thanks for the help, addons dont work on this server
  4. I'm using Bartender4. So, you're saying I cant use UI addons on this server?
  5. No, I'm not using ElvUI
  6. No, I've tried creating an orc, same problem
  7. Hello, I've created an account here because I'd like to have fun on the x100 realm. I created an undead rogue, and whenever I try to enter the game, the loading gets stuck (Image). I have tried to remove the data, remove everything and try again, but it doesnt work.. :mad: [ATTACH=CONFIG]107584[/ATTACH]
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