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  1. hello, I haven't been online for a long time, considering the difficulty of getting a raid party on x5, is it possible to move my character to x100 server? if possible, how? thank you
  2. is the server under maintenance? i cant login into the game.. or i must redownload the launcher?
  3. 1. he pass through the wall/gates 2. Name of the violator : Loneyry 3. Realm : Fun 4. Description of the violation : we cant attack him (ibvalid target), blink allthe way to chamber relic, before the gate destroyd, he already inside the chamber 5. Proof : http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6260760.html [ATTACH=CONFIG]130242[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]130247[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]130243[/ATTACH] ============================================= 1. fly hack, kill me in the air 2. Name of the violator : Carthago 3. Realm : X100 4. Description of the violation : he fly, attack me in the air, fast move, cant attack him, i let him kill me to get the screenshot 5. Proof : http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory.html?name=carthago&realm=1 [ATTACH=CONFIG]130244[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]130245[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]130246[/ATTACH]
  4. I have sent you a personal message, and an attachment please help I try to check the IP by using the available website
  5. good morning.. until the day I've tried to access the old email, but still can not loggin please, change it into : nayasama07@gmail.com you can check my daily activities while playing please thanks before
  6. 1. id : nayaajah 2. realm : pandawow x100 3. email : vega_ohyde@yahoo.co.id (i want to change this email to my new email) 4. IP adress : 192.16*.18.*1 (indonesia) 5. Proof, that i am the owner of the account : I've played a few years, my email is an old one, I have made donations several times to buy character and item The last donation is today, via unipin to change my faction I usually login through my laptop 6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email last day, i want to change my email @pandawow control panel, but unfortunately, i forgot everything about my email data like password, include my security question answer. its an old one. I've tried to contact yahoo related to my problem, but did not get a solution. I could just keep playing without ignoring my email, but I am afraid this will be a problem in the future. (as I have explained before)
  7. good afternoon, today i want to change my email @pandawow control panel, but unfortunately, i forgot everything about my email data like password, include my security question answer. its an old one. I've tried to contact yahoo related to my problem, but did not get a solution. I could just keep playing without ignoring my email, but I am afraid this will be a problem in the future. please help me.. regards
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