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Everything posted by spoon123

  1. Dear takaa, :) ye you "farmed" everyone :)
  2. spoon123


    and here resto druid is almost unplayable against combs like WLS or something ... you go oom after 3-4 minutes .. lol please try to play RMD here, its a joke. No shroom working and enemys doing 150k dps gr8
  3. they are brothers probably
  4. spoon123


    Only playable on highrating. He would have died 1000000 times if he would have queued destro LSD on low mmr against melee cleaves you are bad. and no im not banned. you are bad.
  5. Takaa ... isnt that this warrior who got farmed in the teamplay tournament from my MLD ? Topkek why is he even talking ? In the tournament u got totally destroyed ... weird when ppl start to play srs u dont even have a chance hm ? and dont tell me now that KFC is weak
  6. spoon123


    you are bad.
  7. spoon123


    you are just bad ..
  8. spoon123


    well i never had problems outplaying a lock ... i mean honestly im happy when i can face a destro + boomkin ;D affli + boomkin is just aids with that kite sh*t. Atleast a destro has to come out to do dmg
  9. spoon123


  10. spoon123


    k he didnt get it lmao btw u respond .. thats why you took a quote ;) uknow .. it was a JOKE that affliction
  11. spoon123


    is jonte srs ? Or does he not get the joke lel ...
  12. spoon123


    kek ... i post here what i want to stop talking to me
  13. spoon123


    http://i.imgur.com/IncIXtt.jpg Capping with autschbatsch's full grievous destro lock haha diabolique you are soooooo bad
  14. congratz faggot you are 2.5 in 2s and 46 loss ... my druid has 6 on 2.4 cr ... retard
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