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Everything posted by dopez199

  1. name; blackvip realm; fun description; tp hack proof; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8O4xgZcl1U&feature=youtu.be
  2. name: Lovecuca Realm: Fun Reason for ban: Speedhack Banned at: 2016-10-16 20:58:52) Banned untill: 2016-11-16 20:58:52) 6. i was doing a dungeon, after i got disconnected, and then i couldnt login anymore, and i logged on the website it says that i am banned for speed hack but i didnt used anything^^ I hope u guys can help me with this problem
  3. Name: lovecuca realm: fun description: i was doing a dungeon, after i got disconnected, and then i couldnt login anymore, and i logged on the website it says that i am banned for speed hack but i didnt used anything^^ I hope u can help me with this,
  4. name: djsinsbad realm: fun description; insulting random people wtf.... 'retarded, suicide urself' where is this world going to? proof: http://imgur.com/a/o614X
  5. I used mind control and put him in guru arena. After my mind control he stay in fly...
  6. name: Hackerinc realm: funny description fly hacking got caught =/ Proofy : :: http://imgur.com/a/ZD0LG
  7. Nope, thats why you change name yesterday? haha ;)
  8. Oh please stop complaining, he is just tp hacking. I got full 15min video, hes not lagging lol.
  9. Why changing Faction or Gender, Cuz scared to get ban hahaha. You reveal the story bro!
  10. Why you dont screenshot the whole whisper, you only screenshot the 50% of it lol, I said everything is fake for you after it.
  11. Stop complaining please, I made 15min full video if u do 3v3 i will get a que too, no wonder i dont get any que
  12. Tryhard complaining at all.
  13. I recorded 15min and i didnt get any que for Dungeon, Scenarius. Stop Complaining
  14. Its not lagging at all. U just wanna complain to dont get ban, but u will get it. No worries! - - - Updated - - - Put the speed on 50% then look at 0:36 second u will see its not edited :) - - - Updated - - - at 0:40 u will see that deserter is almost finished so u also not out of bg or something lol
  15. Lmao, u so funny. I made 15min full video, if u want i post that on youtube. And i dont edit videos if u have good eyes u will see its not edited.
  16. Name: Cháinzrøw & Wéixiào Realm: Fun Description: Using Teleport Hacks as u can see on my ( Full Video ) Proof: At 13:38 I just see that they Faction Change or Change Gender so atm I dont know the names of them. But Gm's U can look to the Logs of them or what their names are.
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