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Everything posted by bobyx

  1. His nickname is Kricet [ATTACH=CONFIG]117574[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]117574[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]117574[/ATTACH]
  2. I know how he looks like . He is in scenario but I cant enter in that scenario again thats the problem!
  3. Yes I cant , so I need to make new warlock and level him again and gear again if I want green flame. Ah fck :'( but ty on time
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]109635[/ATTACH] I m not sure but isn't forbiden to camp low players this is 5 time in a row that he/she killed me ty on time :D
  5. Ye and now i cant start again questline so i need to make new toon ?
  6. I have done everything like they is said but when i finished last q i didnt get green spells
  7. Hy I have been complited all questline from [The Codex of Xerrath] and i still dont have green spels What sholud i do ? ty
  8. Hy I have been complited all questline from [The Codex of Xerrath] and i still dont have green spels What sholud i do ? ty
  9. Hy I have been complited all questline from [The Codex of Xerrath] and i still dont have green spels What sholud i do ? ty
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