this bug is back again
Using any item (potion, flask, goblin glider, trinket, ingineering gloves, etc) instantly removes stealth and subterfuge aura
it should not remove subterfuge
I tested it on x5 and xfun, both don't work
priority 10/10
You've recently added an option that allows us to see enemies much far away in Battlegrounds (like from one end to the other)
I'm playing on a rather slow computer and this slows me down even more, is there any way to disable this functionnality? I mean, by deleting something in the game files or something like that
(This is probably the wrong section to post this but I don't know where to ask)
I feel like my game is twice as slow as it was before there was the launcher with the old .exe FeelsBadMan
this server is shiet now
i login to chill in random BG and i only tag premades all my fcking day
10 full players with healers against 10 random guys without stuff
GG pandawow so much fun and balanced :appl:
I'm definitely leaving on firestorm
actually druid and hpriest are literally god mod...
Lock affli, Pal ret, Druid balance/feral : are completely broken with their burst, we are simply dead in 3 seconds... pandawow 2018 :D
I have a problem with this quest, i've everything except the last fragment. he doesn't exist (i'm not blind) i have looked for like 30 min.
can you add the item on my warlock? please
Nah i don't use Razer Synapse and my addons and my settings are correct
My problem really comes from the new launcher and the .exe because when i used others .exe i had no problem but i can't tag arena or bg
What should I do? I can't play with so many slowdowns..
Please tell me why my wow is slower than the old .exe, my sensitivity increases without reason when i bg (especially in team fight) and i slow down
I had no problem before... :mad:
1. Chupalahdp + Travelingail
2. Fun Realm
3. Use Heart of the wild and Nature's vigil in same time
Fix that shitty bug please...
2. Does not refresh and does not apply hunter's mark
3. it should refresh and apply hunter's mark
4. 24/09/2017
5. Fun/Cross Realm
6. 4/10
Proof :