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  1. No. This bug exist only for french ppl and has smth to do with donate and he dont have to pay for it at all while he get his bonuses. Its not fixed
  2. pssst be quiet you stink.
  3. Markxy


    No they wont get fixed and they will keep oneshotting you because Pandawow won't give a single fuck about anything here. Top kek
  4. You are so stupid ... I hope you know that when you inspect someone you only see the first spec from the Character ? God lol you guys have to learn so much before ur able to blame someone xD
  5. Machmollo be quiet you stink. Cogman got the point. Noone cares about ur useless suggestion and also there was given an answer already like 10 times by juster so idk why you even try it. Roflmao
  6. LMAO . dafuck is dat lel
  7. You should probs. use the search function and read the previous answers.
  8. Just fix this lags worthless & useless devs. Hey as i said it before. Hope your dumb server dies. Theres no point playing on any Mop server atm since every server is just crap right now.
  9. Markxy

    Night gladiators

    ^ lol the biggest trashtalker pretending to be good guys now. You suck and at least im honest. Same with your trash wintrader druid
  10. Markxy

    Night gladiators

    exactly. And the best part is these kind of people who talk while didnt even get 2.2 (that exactly was ironic btw )
  11. A wise man said this once : " I am really sick of seeing people make this argument in response to dying in instances, poor raiding progression, not knowing how to play their character, etc... My main is a shaman...I suck at 2's because I am bad at positioning but I am trying to learn. It is not because I have a life and therefore I have an excuse to be bad. Plenty of people play this game that work all day, have families, go to school, volunteer, have responsibilities and they play very well. Just because you suck stop claiming it is because you have a life. Own up to why you are failing and maybe you can fix it. Also to people who say they don't understand boss mechanics in heroics, it literally takes 5 minutes to look up that fight online or read through the dungeon guide." Get it silencerjk u suck. id really appreciate someone to respond here lol ? I mean zeox or someone
  12. OH now there we go with the excuse hahahaa. Imagine bro most of the ppl who commented here have a life and are still better than you ? You are just bad so dont try to say its because ur life lmfao
  13. Amazing how ppl who get nothing are talking. Always the same
  14. Markxy

    Night gladiators

    The only thing that is bullshit here is the fact that you are a wintrader and your english But hey you bought ppl like wexellence with ur infinite bonuses bug am i right :) ?
  15. yes its always like that .. you always have around like ~100-200 MS because this shit server is lagging as fuck .... Just remove it if you cant handle it but its just impossible to play properly without lags
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