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  1. viktor and Felxprod thanks for help. Appreciate it. See you soon and have a nice day.
  2. Ok but i like to buy mounts in AH and gears to transmogs. Thats why i need gold. So sending golds is legit?
  3. Do you think i get born yesterday? Im not new in this game I'm just asking because its pretty strange- you don't need to lvlup proffesion to earn gold. You can be rich with only sending gold and creating new characters. I tough its bannable. Thanks for help.
  4. Ok thanks, so can I create 10 characters on fun (in total 900k gold) and send it to my main on fun?
  5. Hey guys. I have question about transfering gold. Can i create new characters and send their 90k gold to my main? Im asking because I need money and I like to have only 1 character or maybe 1 bonus char. So i will be glad if you can answer for my question. I have read rules and i haven't found anything about transfering gold. See you.
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