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Everything posted by djmercitwo

  1. its fun how after too many months this kid noneedholy still dare to trashtalk people when everything he knows how to play is mop xD
  2. /lol? i didnt enter here for 6 months
  3. i still dream for the day where ill be able to que godcomp without being raped by a tsg
  4. sounds legit
  5. every first season of every xpac is totally unbalanced and it doesnt make the game unfun. didnt buy legion on my acc yet but as i long as i played i enjoyed. Even if mop was really good, pandawow isnt
  6. couldnt you just say: "this guy is insulting me and i dont like it" instead of starting with all this bullshit of equality (which isnt the point here)
  7. never read so much bullshit. also you saying that demo is top notch in pve just shows how clueless you are about warlocks
  8. so i should just pass over the fact that its totally unfun playing against bugged shit and play? nah, makes just no sense especially on a private server
  9. your tryhard to save this server from the death is 11/10. anyways i got a team ready to play, just choose a day and tell me here (ps: aint gonna play if people play bugged shit like tsg)
  10. you got the point, smart guy
  11. people calling legion tradh when pandawow is pretty much unplayable lmao nah pandawow will just die, only zeox working cant make it get back to the good days (ps: legion is not as good as mop, but its pretty fun)
  12. Agree with autschpujo +1
  13. BabyRage
  14. Yes i understand and agree, you have any idea of how long is it gonna take?
  15. i doubt he will hold this spot on retail for too long, just waiting for frost mage nerf there
  16. i think zeox will read this topic so ill post here anyways: Zeox, when are you gonna reset the rating of this season boss, it should have happened 3 days ago lol
  17. nah he is asking if roguetrainer is magetrainer (aka dennis 3.2 mage who played here in 2014/2015
  18. djmercitwo


    rez on a 2014 topic NICE
  19. Declined. No proofs and wronf format
  20. Pujo makes me laugh irl like every day, but ye its annoying so +1
  21. I thought it was a serious thread when i read the title. You should die burned pujo
  22. can some admin reset rating the love of the black takaa? Its time to start tryharding to hold my r1 spot for next season
  23. rules of season are pretty clear. also the reasons i pointed to dont give titles are much better than yours to give. I'm gonna just wait for Zeox
  24. read my entire post fucking wintrader clown
  25. I agree with you except by one thing: on 2s you GET ques, even if the MMR is just shit and you can get 2 points from 1.8 teams and lose 15 points to teams with around same cr of yours. But i agree 2s should never give titles, walking around and seeing a lot of (not trying to be scummy) dog/abusers with titles from 2s is just disappointing. But this season as i have pointed why, should not give 3s titles as well at least until next season when we will be able to check logs on website and Zeox will implement the changes he is promissing
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