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  1. Dk 800+% UP UP UP
  2. 800+% ! UP UP UP
  3. Good evening, I'm selling warlock 573 destro pve, with 4 part t16, pvp 550 ! loot of mogs. Horde undead! Name: Magnavox price: 900+% ! FOR SELL NOW! ... Sell dk 573 unholy pve, 573 blood pve ! pvp 550 ! nice mogs , Horde tauren ! Name: Gollun price: 800+% FOR SELL NOW! And.. Mage 574 pve, with 4 part t16, trinket of garrosh ( blackblood), Challenge transmog, pvp 550 , loot of mogs! Horde Undead! Name: Atmus price: 1.2+% ! FOR SELL NOW ! FAST FAST ! UP UP UP ! Good chars for a very small price! and good game! HUGS
  4. 900+% ! FOR SELL FAST! UP UP UP
  5. Hello guys, i sell my priest! Shadow pve 576 ilvl with 4 part t16, 574 holy pve with 4part t16 ! pvp heal 550! And loot of mogs .. Name: Namezida Price: 1k+% ! Already on site . Hugs
  6. Hello guys, i buy priest heal/ shadow 571 with pvp 550. ! Please answer the topic with char name, items and price!
  7. 900+% UP UP
  8. 1.2+% NOW UP UP UP !
  9. Hey guys, i sell warrior fury 573 pve , with cloak legendary, Weapon of garrosh hellscream! many mogs ! Low price! Name: Sakharov price: 1.3+% FAST UP UP
  10. Hello guys i sell priest discipline 573 heal with cloak legendary 2 part t16, shadow 570 with 3 part t16! many mogs ! Name: Sackville price: 900+%
  11. Hello guys, i sell my mage! 571 pve , 550 pvp, with many mogs and Challenge Mog! Horde troll! name: Shynar! Price low: 1.3+% ! UP UP UP
  12. Hello guys , i buy monk tank and heal 570 pve with cloak legendary. ! Fast !
  13. Hello guys, i buy warlock destruction 575+ pve or 565 pve with 4 part t16. ! Preference with cm transmog and pvp 550!. Price not is problem! Link name and screenshot of char. Hugs!
  14. Hey guys, i buy char 560+, preference with cloak legendary, Horde. I pay 800+% .
  15. Hello guys, I saw a druid you with a Ilvl 540 gear of SOO, so could you tell me if the Flex is working? And how can I join, I mean is there any pre requisites? Thanks for reading, more thanksfull if you could help :D .
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