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Everything posted by nyxen

  1. wts shadow priest(alliance) with 2 char bound mounts from arenas,some pve items name: badabiduba price: minimal
  2. bump?
  3. bump?
  4. bump?
  5. nyxen


    bugged alter time still gives them huge advantage
  6. nyxen


    ye sure,you read his mind and you know if he did it on purpose,for first time i fall under map in blade's edge arena since 2+ years on that server and i felt ,because he used DM on me...nvm i won't argue
  7. nyxen


    yep,on blade's edge arena
  8. nyxen


    ????? I played often vs him this season,and I don't care that you lost many times,it's you,not me?
  9. nyxen


    i did, dont worry... doesnt make sense sry
  10. nyxen


    what do you mean by the best? because 2s is not about skills
  11. nyxen


    you can win only if you abuse that bug as you did it vs me,the rest arenas which were "normal (i didnt fall under map)" were ez and rekt u ez even when I can't stop your DM with my hex,you still lose...and you are retail priest?....ok
  12. i completed everything,even i can't get the quest back,just i completed the quest and i dont have the item
  13. can you tell us exactly in which day is the next update? today in X100 i killed the celestials and i didn't get http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102457/timeless-essence-of-the-black-dragonflight ..
  14. just shut up, go away from that thread,it's created,because ppl have to see it,nobody cares about the raid&dungeons sections since nobody answers there
  15. it's not since we can get answers from GMs here
  16. fix it asap please..
  17. lol 2 weeks???are you serious?
  18. WTS male human priest with sets for heal/dps,has 20k conquest points,full gemmed and enchanted + glyphs/researches in professions/reputations to exalted(inc shado pan assault)/2 char bound mounts(horde pvp and ally pvp)/pve trinket from timeless isle(and http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=104347/timeless-curio for heal spec)/ arena master title price: minimal name: shadowbaduba
  19. up! this is important for pandaria items..and the drop is so low ..you said that it should be fixed(long time ago) and it's still bugged
  20. WTS female Blood elf mage 550 ilvl with PVE gloves,full professions with a lot of researches and recipes,a lot of reputations on exalted(including Shado pan assault),2 pvp mounts(character bound),a lot of transmog items,gemmed/glyphs/enchants/conquest points. price: minimal nick: Atani
  21. oh yes,swag ratface who talks by memes and pictures and gifs..epic,that picture was funny or..idk how you call it,idk how much time you spent to search for that in google
  22. yea you cant say something with point and lets talk about grammars now ,at least i dont look like a rat in real life and trying to be salty badass in a game lol,go think your tactics for 3s before sleeping,it's so important,why should i talk with ratfaceguy...cba
  23. who the fuck cares? you are 6k in retail and you still suck,that doesnt mean anything,you just got high rating once and you thing you are something,don't go offtopic and you said that you have life?go outside then wtf are you doing in all posts talking about rating and shit,nobody cares about your rating and exp.stop being salty 2s tryharder who talks only about rating,you are annoying
  24. r1 life,you dedicated it to games and streaming,checking forums through phone coz u take care about that game lol,and what are you doing in your life?tell us something about your biography,inspire us with something about your life
  25. let's say that this rogue is full pve trinket geared,240k ambush is not legit,maybe eviscerate 240k is legit,because it's affected by mastery aswell,but 240k ambush can never happen,even with double pve trinkets, if the warrior used banner and then the rogue bursted..240k eviscerate is legit,but 240k ambush wtf lol, eviscerate does more dmg than ambush,so if he did 240k ambush,he should do 400k eviscerate? - - - Добавлено - - - melee dmg deals additional dmg as shadow dmg and it affects cp generation
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