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  1. this fag just went full tard. im out cya nerds, it was fun.
  2. I told you what "ima" stands for you shitcunt.
  3. Its the otherway around you fucking sperglord.
  4. He actually used it properly you dumb dickfuck.
  5. It is english slang you retarded dickfuck, it stands for "I am going to".
  6. Mess is an actual word you fucking autistic retarded nigger, get YOURSELF properly educated then tell some1 else to do so. Stop sucking your brother's cock so much.
  7. "ima" is actual slang u dumb nigger.
  8. Like I stated previously, commit an hero.
  9. Much complaing about him using google but goddamn son. - - - Добавлено - - - AHHAHA CHAINZ LEGEND. Cynicle, you should an hero.
  10. Alright lets get done with this bs. 1. Chainz is an idiot. 2. You 2 are bigger idiots because you're trying to argue with an idiot.
  11. It appears to me that you have no idea what intellect means. Perhaps you meant knowledge?
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]111634[/ATTACH]
  13. Yeah, the whole point of my username is to be funny ;P
  14. Dude no1 really gives an actual shit about your feelings. And you have a point, autism is real issue, now that im seing retards like yourself... I just came to make fun of you and your wildy autistic boyfriend.
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